Witnessing the impact of technology : Connecting myl village

It has always been said that, if you want to see the real India then visit the interior of India. There are so many things to explore and learn. Life in village is alwsys full of challenges. There are many parts in India which are not developed and seeing the people surviving in those tough condition alwsys gives a inspiration to sustain life in every condition. There are so many things to learn from culture to tradition to values. The typical india lies in the hearts of villages.


As I said life in village is not as comfortable as life in cities. Cities have all the basic amenities that a person require to live a comfortable life. But when it comes to villages, all the civic amentiies from roads to lights to other facilities always remain absent. This is what makes people to migrate to cities in search of better life. But in todsys time, if we look deeply, village lofe isbfar more better than city life in every aspect. Village life is peaceful life, while city life is very chaotic. Inhave recently shifted to village and really enjoying my life. It is not as such that the villages are too backward nowadays. But having located in one of the remotest part, we manage to get electricity and roads.

I still remember the days when reaching my village home is a challenge. From railway station to hime is 12 km distance but it takes approx half a day in reaching home. Crossing the village river is one of the challenge. Which give me a good shoulder ride on dad's back. There were no bridges and also transportation available on the unever kutcha roads. People either used to take a bullock ride or ask for tractors whi h few people owned at that time. This is is what alwsys fascinates me how my ancestors lived in those condition.


As far as I remember, roads and electricity were made available tonohr village since 2015. We have some better roads connecting to town and also round the clock electricity supply. The benefits of constructing the roads can be quite evidient from the facts that we are now easily getti g cookingbgas supply at door step. Earlier people used to rely on Woodstock for cooking. Life has changed tremendously over the last couple of years. All credit must goes out to tye present Movi government who initiated many programs for uplifting of rural india. It is true that people of villages are enjoying some cool life for the last 9 years. Before that it was a challenging situations where people adapted accordingly. Now village people are well conected with the world. Though mobile, laptop, and other digital means. It was a sharp growth of the amenities in quick time.

Staying back in village is now more favourable. What used to be challenges now is pretty favourable. However there are still few things that needs some correction. People in village still unable to adspt to the digital payment system. There is lack of education and above all kids needs proper guidance in sports. There are lot of talent booming in villages however there are noone to look after them. Village people are quite string and do not run away from physical activity. This makes them a very strong contender for all kind of sports. Still their talent, their stamina and their power remain unnoticed. I wish there should be some kind of talent search at villages level and the promissing member should be identified and nurtured properly.

This is my Day 25 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o April.


Namaste @steemflow

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