Pets are such agreeable animals - No question, No criticism!

Time is changing very fast and rapidly, and so does people choices and preferences. There were the times when dogs were considered inauspicious and are not allowed inside the houses. We hardly find people in love for dogs, neithere their were so much varity of dogs. On the contraray, people used to pet cows or buffalos or goats. They were kept inside the home. People derives milk and other products from them which are very useful for the survival. But as the times have changed, In the modern age, we witness just opposites of old thinking. While dogs are inside the house as a devoted loyal pets, cows are not allowed to be raised at home. We can see the number o stray cows roaming on the indian streets.

(my own edited image)

Many people find a good ally in dogs and kept them as close to them as possible. Infact, recently, while watching a TV series, I was surprised with a pretty simple quotes, that made me to think, If I am good person or not. The quotes read as :

"When a dog loves a man, he is a good man".

There are a few reasons why this might be the case. Dogs are also very loyal creatures. Dogs are very good at reading people's emotions and intentions. If a dog loves a man, it is because the dog senses that the man is a good person. But the same quality foes with all kind of animal be it ,cats, horses, cows or anybother pet animals. I have alwsys had a pretty bad experince with dogs. They have bitten me in childhood days and since then I never like. I don't have any hatedness, but I simply dislike them. Few years ago, I was again attacked by my nephew rottweiler for no reason. He was all over my back, till my neck. It was a scary evening I had ever been to. No matter if I am good man or not, but simply these instances made me dislike the animals.

Feathered and fabulous!

Keeping a pet at homes is now trend. Cats, Dogs, parrots, pigeons even tortoise and many other animals have make it to people homes. Keeping them close makes people happy. No matter if they are bonded or free. Humans developed a close bonding with animals and this makes them insepersble. I have seen them as I grown up. In my childhood days, I kept a parrot with me as my pets. We were too close and that little creature always listen to my instruction. We all know parrot can talks human languages and that one was not differrnt. I taught her many things. One day it fell prey to wild cat, which really made me to cry. My Dad then gifted me two pigeons, again I made a special bonding. They were very cute one was White and another one Black. I alwsys kept them open and again they fell prey to Cat. So I made sure never to keep any birds along as my pet.

Birdie love affairs!

Like animals, these birds too create a emotional attachment with humans. In any native village home, my Dad put up few earthen pots on the terraces, which houses 2 pigeons and gradually the number increased to 37. When I shifted back to village, I made sure to remove all of them because the dirts and poops they made. Even after closing all the entrance, all of them still remain atop my house. They are not going anywhere in the last 5 years. This is quite strange behavior from them. They keep hovering around and I made sure to feed them with grains. May be they have special bond with my Dad, but even after his death they all remain up there. Now and then they sneak inside home and hatced few eggs.

No matter what you keep as pet at your home or not. It is importsnt to take care of them. They have their lives too and it is important to give time. But again, we all need freedom so does all the creature. We must respect them as well.

This is my Day 23 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o April.


Namaste @steemflow

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