Learning, growing, and creating lifelong friendships in school.

School are considered to be the building blocks of education. Some say that education is an essential building block of society, and that it gives people the ability to think, create. But when we look back to our school studies we hardly ever to see how those studies were used in practical life. Like when the last time we applied the basic linear equation formula (a+b)² = a²+2ab+b² in buying a banana or doing any shopping Or crossing a road or doing any such things. Though the basic level of mathematics like addition , subtraction etc were enough for our day to day life. Same goes to science or other subjects. Still we made to learn some major topics during our entire academics days, which is not useful for our life.

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It may appears that those studies at school were useless as we hardly applies them in real life. Still if we we see around, every parents are eager to send their ward to school for studies. It is pretty hard to nail the Skills that we develop at school level. Although the bookish skill were appears to be useless, the practical experinces helps us to make the world beautiful place. I am not saying that the topics we studies at school were not useful. But beyond those topics, there are many things that we learned at schools which helps us to groom in the adulthood.

Schooling not only provide a syllabus, but also helps us learn some major skills in life which may prove quite beneficial in the long run. There are few skills that I am referring to and those were :

  • Discipline : the major things about schiol is to make us be in discipline in life. Following daily routine from waking up to reaching school on time to following the syllabus, help us to build for future.

  • Time management: we able to learn the basics of management. Valuing time and it's importance is important. School gelps us to build such quality, which proves quite vital when a person grows up.

  • Curiosity : the Zeal to learn and explore new things is a form of soft skills that helps us to strengthen our learning ability. The curiosity to know the logic and basic reasoning helpnus in building for meeting various life challenge.

  • Mannerism : the proper way to behave and present ourself in the society. A school feed us the need to respect and love every individuals.

These are some of the skills that can help children prepare for adulthood, such as managing a household and raising a family, handling the work pressure and so on. These were something which were not provided at the home level. So even the curriculam studies does not add much, still schools helps us to add many qualities to an individual and shape up his life.

This is my Day 16 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o April.


Namaste @steemflow

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