Embracing one another’s uniqueness!

Born and bought up in India, I have seen the diversity from a very close angle. Whenever we talk of diversity, India alwsys comes ahead of any other nation. India is considered a diverse country because of its many differences in languages, religions, ethnicities, customs, and geographical features. India's diversity is sometimes described as "unity in diversity" or "diversity in strength", which refers to the coexistence of different cultures, traditions, languages, and religions without fragmentation or uniformity.

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India has over 100 languages and nearly 1,600 languages spoken in total.

India is home to every major religion in the world, including a large Muslim population, and religion plays a central role in many people's lives.

India has many different ethnic groups due to migration from around the world. Apart from social and economic condition,

India has diversity as far as geographic condition is concerned. It has mountains, plains, plateaus, deserts, islands, coasts, and uneven plateau surfaces.

India also has different foods, festivals, and traditions, and people of different abilities, languages, cultures, and religions coexist.

With so many diversity all around and seen every bits of it is a unique experince that I enjoyed since childhood.

Diversity & Tolerance.

Living in such vast diversity can lead to many benefits, including fostering tolerance, innovation, and a strong social fabric. Diversity and tolerance are interconnected. Tolerance is the ability to accept and respect others' differences and values, and diversity is a natural result of tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to accept others who are different from us in race, culture, habits, or beliefs. When people accept different cultures, traditions, and religions without discrimination, they create space for diversity to thrive and become more tolerant themselves. Tolerance can also help people understand and appreciate others, and embrace differences so they can complement each other and contribute to a greater good.

Here are some other ways that diversity and tolerance are linked:

  • Embracing diversity: It means recognizing and appreciating differences, and being willing to immerse oneself in places marked by those differences. It can also mean meeting others with a genuine spirit of connection and caring.

  • Cultural sensitivity: It is the ability to understand and appreciate the different cultural norms and values that exist in a society.

  • Personal autonomy: Tolerance can help promote individualism and expression of personal interests and beliefs, which can lead to increased happiness in tolerant societies.

Teaching Tolerance

As a parent and living in such diverse society, it is important to teach tolerance to our children. Few way to teach tolerance are :

  • Children learn by example, so be mindful of how we treat and speak to others. Avoid name calling and degrading jokes, and stand up for others who are treated unfairly.

  • We can Set expectations early on and expose our child to positive images that represent a variety of ethnic groups.

  • Select books, toys, music, art, and videos that value differences and don't portray unfair stereotypes.

  • Always ready to answer our child's questions about differences honestly and respectfully.

  • Give our child opportunities to play and work with others who are different from them. It helps them to learn and understand things in difderrnt ways.

  • If our child holds biased beliefs, try to understand why and gently challenge their views.

  • Disallow any kind of discriminatory comments. Express your displeasure when we hear prejudicial comments.

  • Acknowledge and respect differences within our own family. So that the children get habitual in outside atmosphere.

Diversity benefits.

We always have noticed that different minds works diffrently. Diverse teams can draw upon their unique experiences and a wider range of knowledge to spark new, innovative ideas. Likewise, diversity always brings many things in our plate. Diverse perspectives and backgrounds can lead to more creative thinking and spur innovation and progress. Exposure to diverse perspectives can encourage critical thinking, empathy, and open mindedness. Diversity can help foster a sense of unity and cooperation among different cultural, linguistic, and religious groups.

Exposed to such diversity since childhood and staying in a diverse environment allow people to grow and adjust to different condition easily. It allows them to work cohesivelly at school or at work. People can learn to appreciate others and adopt a wider perspective. It is complete adventure and I am lucky one to live in diverse India.

This is my entry to Day 3 of Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o July.

Peace !!

Namaste @steemflow

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