How a Busy Weekend Led to an Unexpected Injury

This is literally my first post of the month. I will say Happy new Month to y'all. Since my last video, I have not had the will to write another post and I have been kind of down for a while, thinking about my life and trying to restrategize myself. And in the middle of it all, I have been lazy; although people close to me might not say the same, I feel this way because I feel I am not putting enough effort into my life and career as I should.

Another reason is that this last weekend was one of the most stressful of all my previous weekends. It drew out all the energy in me. Every Friday and Saturday, we do night rehearsals at my church but the rehearsals on Fridays are always in the night while we rest a bit and begin again for the Saturday rehearsals after a few hours.

It turned out that there was a worker's retreat in my church that took the time I am supposed to use to rest and regain my energy from the all-night rehearsal so there was only a little or no time to rest before the worker's retreat started. Then, immediately after the program, we started our Saturday rehearsal, which lasted all the way until the evening.

I was super exhausted after the rehearsal and had to wake up as early as 4am on Sunday to prepare for Church service. After the church service, when I got home, I sustained an injury to my hand, which in a way had an effect on my plans for the week.


This picture was taken when I was at the clinic

So here is how it happened: I was at home with two of my friends, Kayor and Psalmmy. I saw a grasshopper in my room, and I tried to lead it outside and not kill it but my friend, Kayor, killed it instead. I replied, Why did he kill it? It is nature and it doesn't deserve to die. That was when Sam replied that if it was a cockroach, I would have killed it immediately and I will not remember anything nature.

Few hours later, that was how a random cockroach dropped from the ceiling to my bed, I was immediately triggered after seeing it take my broom from where it was lying on the floor and kill the cockroach. At the moment I stood from my chair to pick up my broom, I didn't notice my left hand was resting in between the door and the hinge of the door. That was how the hinge peel off my flesh.

I used to be the kind of person who liked to self-treat my injuries and didn't like going to hospitals or clinics, but since then, my last injury to my head has lasted for 3 months. I had learned my lesson since then.


I have gone to the hospital twice since then and it is getting better, as you can see from the images above, as compared to how it was in the first picture. My next appointment is tomorrow. I will be going for another cleansing, and I hope this time I do not need to make use of the plaster as I have grown tired of it. It is the reason why I have not been able to play guitar or partake in the Vibes weekly competition entry.

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