Our lives is directly affected by our decisions and choices we make. What ever we do now, surely come forth its effect later on.


Taking time to decide on your choices is very much understandable no matter how little these choices may be. For instance, our choice on which kind of food we take. If we choose to eat a good meal, it comes with its own effect to our body.

The thing about decision and choices is, when a person’s decision is made, it would be difficult to change his choice no matter the advice or lecture because the decision is made.


This is common to everyone including me. After I have made my decision on what I want to do, Its almost impossible for you to change my choice no matter the lecture or talking we engage it.

Since we know our choices and decisions have direct effect in our lives. It’s best to also know that out Input determines our Output.

What do I mean by Input determining our output?

In this life, if we want to achieve any thing, we need to make decisions and steps towards attaining the goal. So we can say out input is the choices we make, and output is the result of the choices we make.

For Instance, I want an Output of Increasing my weight and body shape. To do this, I have decided to eat healthy, take food supplements and engage in workouts.

My input in this scenario is taking food supply and engaging in workouts while the output is the result of what I am doing.

This also goes in line with our success in life as well since our input directly affects our lives. If you want to attain success in your academics, then your focus should be on what decision and choices you should make to have such output.

When I see skillful people out there like the footballers, dancers, gamers, they have spent a lot of time training and practicing (Input) so that they can deliver well.


As for me, I play the guitar and most times when before I upload a guitar cover, I spend hours rehearsing the song. The hours I spend rehearsing is my input and my delivery on the guitar cover is my output.

So ask your self, what decision and choices do you have to make to get the output you desire?


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