When I was little, I had always imagined; how does it feels to be an adult. I so much hated being a kid. Do you know why I had that feeling? Yeah, you would probably do, because you were once a kid. I hated the feeling because I lacked freedom and was tired of being flogged by my parents (most especially by my mum) for every little mistake.

image created using canva

I had a disciplinarian as a mother, she would make sure I get dealt with if I try anything funny. I cannot forget those memories and back then, I used to prefer my father to my mum because he doesn't beat or touch me instead, he would help me to beg my mum to temper justice with mercy.

I am a product of the discipline given by my mother, it has formed the man that I have become. I am living by those values she has imbibed in me which makes me very grateful so far.

Living now as an adult, I love the freedom attached to it and the fact that I can do whatever I want to do without having someone monitoring my actions, or having the fear of being scolded by my parents, I had always dreamt of that feeling. But the catch is, I have to work for almost everything I need, now I don't have my parents to give me everything I want as most of my needs are now my responsibility.

selfie with my mum some years ago

I don't know if we can call it a good thing or a bad thing but being able to work for what you want gives me respect from my parents and my siblings. I am the third child of four children from my parents, and the fact that I have been blessed by God with the means of Hive has made living as an adult less of a stress than it is meant to be for a typical Nigerian Adult.

A picture with my parents

I am not working at the moment and just a student who have been schooling for about 6 years in higher institution. I have moved from one school to another since I finished my high school. During my time in high school, I never thought I would spend a lot of time studying like this, in fact, I thought I would be done with anything schooling at most 2021 but as I see it, I would be done with school probably 2024 or 2025.

A random picture of me

When I was younger, I loved mathematics a lot and anything involving operating system. I loved navigating phones, buying phones. I changed phones very frequently, I remembered a rule I used to follow; which was not to using a phone for more than 4 months. When the phone is getting to 4 months old on my hand, I would want to change it for another device.

When my mum or any of my friends had issues with their devices, I am always there to find solution to it that is because I spend most time navigating phones and discovering things about phones. Somehow I was confused on what I want to become, I didn't really know what I wanted.

A random picture of me

What I just knew what that I was good at mathematics and physics; not to brag I was the best in mathematics during my set and was known by all the teachers because of it. Added to it, I was very friendly; almost everyone liked me both student and lecturers. I just didn't know what I want to study. I loved physics than Chemistry, but I loved the idea of Petroleum Engineering because of the money that is involved in it but yet, I hated the idea that I can not be independent if I don't get employed by an company, so I decided to deny my admission to study the course.

I changed my mind and went for Mechanical Engineering, because I love the idea of mechanics. The motion of objects and also how products and items are being constructed. I wanted to know how to build a washing machine or even a television. I tried entering University of Ibadan but was not given admission.

Then along the way, I knew what I want was more than just the mechanical part of a device, I want to know how the operating system of devices are built, I wanted to know all the forms of engineering combined to build a television or a washing machine. During my research, I got observed with the course Mechatronics Engineering which is the combination of different forms of engineering: Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering. Most people refer this course as Robotics Engineering.

I still didn't get to study the course at first, so I went to study Electrical Engineering College, i.e. Polytechnic and then applied to Mechatronics Engineering in Federal University of Abeokuta. I didn't get the admission at first, then I decided to wait again and try apply for the course again for the second time but this time, I got admitted. Now I am studying the course I have always dreamed of.

A random picture with my friends

The only downside of it now is that I have lost my passion. It has died off, I don't know why but maybe it is school stress or the fact that the system of education in my Country is not encouraging. Funny thing is that, I asked my some of my friends studying the same course as I do if it was the same to them and I got exactly the same reply from them. They were all passionate about the course before started studying it but the passion were lost.

A random picture with my friends

Now, I am here trying to find what I am most passionate about. I don't see hive as the end road for me, because I know there is no way I can effectively build faster if I live on it. So I am still learning all what my hands can learn, build whatever skills I can build in the physical, and find what I would finally fall in love with, and would also yield money which I can use to build my hive account and also venture into other businesses to build other streams of income.

That's all for now, If you read all through to this point. All I can say is thank you. I appreciate all your time.



Starstrings01 AKA Giftedhands is a Hive lover, a Nigeria musician (Guitarist) and also a student who studies Mechatronics Engineering in the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

His goal on Hive is to be more than a regular blogger but something more; someone with a purpose. Thatโ€™s one of the reasons why he founded the newbies initiative @newbies-hive to help guide and support newbies. Kindly click here to follow @newbies-hive curation trail.

He battles and struggles with balancing education and being active on the chain but yet his love and passion for Hive keeps him on balance.

All images are mine except indicated otherwise





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