🏫 My Friends Quitting School, Khanna Being Less Active, & More! 🦇


I'm here again with another post about my daily life like about my friends, my school, some gossips, and other stuff. I hope you enjoy my post.


Well Khanna has been not going to school a lot lately, like if she goes to school in the morning than she won't in the afternoon. I have no idea why since I feel like I am being annoying and wanting to know to much if I ask. I feel like that a lot especially when I sit at a table when they were talking about things. Sometimes when I go to sit with some of my classmates or friends they just stop talking and being all awkward. Well I don't really care anymore and sometimes I know that they were talking about me but I just stop caring.


I used to have a lot of friends around 7 or 10 but now I think I only have like 1 that I truly think is my friend and I can actually trust a little. That is Ah Hak, and maybe Sokra even though we aren't really friends anymore but I still kinda trust and I don't trust people easily other than my family. I know I can't trust my sister but I mean we're sisters we tell each other things, even if it is stupid or doesn't make sense. My sister always snitch but I still tell her things.


I think yesterday a few classmates of mine killed a bat like they used their shoes to shot it down, which cause it to hit the head and broke the neck. Maybe the bat was already dead but I don't think so. Yeah not much things go to my classroom and that I actually made it out alive or without being terrorized. Most of them being worms, bull frogs, toads, lizard, and more and it is all because of that one girl in my class. I don't know they could just torture it and even killed it, I mean if you talk about karma that is a lot of bad karma. I think according to the Buddhism teaching you aren't suppose to kill animals even worse torture them, you could go to hell.


Well my desk mate (Solinet) will stop drop out of school when she finish studying 9th grade, because her mom, her dad, and her grandma told her to drop out of school. I mean it is not fair to her since she is a good student and really want to continue school, maybe Solinet and her friends and asked her mom and dad to let her finish 12th grade. According to what I know there are not poor, they actually have a farm, a big house, motorbikes, tractors, and stuff. I mean she is only like 13 or 14 years old, she is younger than me and she is working for her aunt in her free time for $2.5. It isn't much but it is enough to spend for a day.


Well some of my other classmates will change school and quit school. Next year there are probably going to be a few of students left. I mean my school already small and in need of teachers and students, I mean when I start 7th grade there were about 45 students now there are only 25 students left.

Monkey B
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