My Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge [ESP/ENG]


Les comparto la estrategia que utilice para esta batalla con Holy Protection, Reverse Speed y Stampede. Lo primero que hago es revisar que jugó por ultima vez mi oponente, en este caso @gaiakl

Observo que jugó con cartas de agua y creo que es mejor jugarle también con las mismas cartas de agua.

I share with you the strategy I used for this battle with Holy Protection, Reverse Speed and Stampede. The first thing I do is check what my opponent last played, in this case @gaiakl

I notice that he played with water cards and I think it is better to also play him with the same water cards.


Con 25 de maná, selecciono las siguientes cartas:

With 25 mana, I select the following cards:


  1. FURIOUS CHICKEN: Como tiene 0 de maná, lo pongo de primero para tener un golpe de ventaja.

  2. DJINN OSHANNUS: Lo uso mucho como tanque, por su gran cantidad de vida y su habilidad de void lo hace muy eficaz contra ataques de magia.

  3. PELACOR BANDIT: En nivel 3, resulta interesante para atacar los últimos puesto por si ponen alguna carta de curación, y además aprovechar la habilidad Flying, con la cual con suerte pueda esquivar algunos golpes.

  4. PHANTOM OF THE ABYSS: De ultima carta me gusta poner esta por su alta efectividad contra ataques de sneak y su poder de magia de 3.

  1. FURIOUS CHICKEN: Since it has 0 mana, I put it first to have a one-hit advantage.
  1. DJINN OSHANNUS: I use him a lot as a tank, due to his large amount of life and his void ability making him very effective against magic attacks.
  1. PELACOR BANDIT: At level 3, it is interesting to attack the last positions in case they put in a healing card, and also take advantage of the Flying ability, with which you can hopefully dodge some blows.
  1. PHANTOM OF THE ABYSS: I like to put this one as the last card because of its high effectiveness against sneak attacks and its magic power of 3.


Comienza la batalla, para mi sorpresa mi contrincante usó las cartas de tierra, que no había jugado en las ultimas 5 batallas anteriores. Observo que tiene una carta con Bloodlust, llegó mi fin. 😄

Round 1:

The battle begins, to my surprise my opponent used land cards, which he had not played in the last 5 previous battles. I notice that he has a card with Bloodlust, my end has come. 😄

The first round starts:


Round 2:

Fue mala idea colocar el pollo de primero, la carta con Bloodlust lo eliminó e incrementó sus habilidades. 🤦‍♂

It was a bad idea to put the chicken first, the card with Bloodlust removed it and increased its abilities. 🤦‍♂


Round 3:

Mi tanque sigue resistiendo y a pesar que su curador le dio algo de vida a su tanque, pude eliminarlo.

My tank is still holding up and even though his healer gave his tank some life, I was able to eliminate it.


Round 4:

Cae mi tanque y justo por el Scavenger e incrementa su vida. Hombre Muerto. ☠️

My tank falls and right by the Scavenger and increases its life. Dead man.


Round 5:

Al matar la carta que tiene MARTYR, se incrementaron las habilidades nuevamente y ya saben el final. 🤣

By killing the card that MARTYR has, the abilities were increased again and you know the ending. 🤣


The Battle

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