La Chispa de la Creatividad/The Spark of Creativity [ESP/ENG]

Hello Hive friends and dear community, it had been a while since I did one of my #dailydoodles and I was eager to draw and reflect. I wonder, what is creativity? Is it that magical and unexpected spark that suddenly illuminates our thoughts? In my work as a teacher, I have seen that spark repeatedly and its transformative power. Sometimes we receive creativity with a look of amazement and other times with uncertainty.

Hola amigos de Hive y querida comunidad, hacía un tiempo que no hacía uno de mis #dailydoodles y ya los deseos me sobraban para dibujar y reflexionar. Me pregunto, ¿qué es la creatividad? ¿Acaso es esa chispa mágica e inesperada que ilumina de un golpe nuestros pensamientos? En mi trabajo como profesor he logrado ver esa chispa repetidas veces y su poder transformador. A veces recibimos la creatividad con cara de asombro y otras de incertidumbre.

Understanding concepts and definitions, sometimes seen as a simple form of repetition, needs its dose of creativity. When we consume material of any kind, readings, videos on the internet, and even social media, you are giving a little more oxygen to that spark that will become a flame.

Entender conceptos y definiciones, a veces visto como una simple forma de repetición, necesita su dosis de creatividad. Cuando consumimos material de cualquier tipo, lecturas, videos en internet e incluso redes sociales, estás dándole un poco más de oxígeno a esa chispa que se convertirá en llama.

Creativity, without a doubt, is not a gift granted only to artists or inventors; it is a lever to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. In my case, I have always been a curious person, especially during my time as a student, and the whys accumulated in my mind. Without a doubt, although I consider that I am still exploring my path, this curiosity has led me to try to stay creative and constant in my life, jumping from one hobby to another, always looking for a new activity to do. Today, I try to transmit my few knowledge and skills to others, and perhaps I do not know the correct way and the mistakes are many along the way, but I want it to be in a creative way, full of experimentation, technologies, and experiences that encompass all the senses. Each small discovery, each new idea, is one more step towards creativity.

La creatividad, sin dudas, no es un don otorgado solo a artistas o inventores; es una palanca para mejorar nuestras vidas y la vida de los que nos rodean. En mi caso, siempre he sido una persona curiosa, sobre todo en mi tiempo como estudiante, y los porqués se aglutinaban en mi mente. Sin dudas, aunque considero que sigo explorando mi camino, esta curiosidad me ha llevado a tratar de mantenerme creativo y constante en mi vida, saltando de un hobbie a otro, buscando siempre una actividad nueva por hacer. Hoy me toca tratar de transmitir mis pocos conocimientos y habilidades a otros, y quizá no conozca la forma correcta y los errores sean muchos en el camino, pero quiero que sea de una forma creativa, llena de experimentación, tecnologías y experiencias que abarquen todos los sentidos. Cada pequeño descubrimiento, cada nueva idea, es un paso más hacia la creatividad.

But creativity also takes on a more personal and profound side, perhaps in the form of an inner voice, and that voice drives us to write a poem, paint a picture, or solve a mathematical problem in a new and unique way. Creativity is an expression of our humanity. It is what makes us unique, what allows us to see the world with new eyes and find beauty in the everyday. It illuminates us and drives us to keep learning, to keep exploring, and to keep dreaming. And as a teacher, my greatest aspiration is to find and help ignite that own and creative spark so that each one illuminates their world in their own way and with their dreams.

Pero la creatividad también asume un lado más personal y profundo, quizás en forma de voz interior, y esa voz nos impulsa a escribir un poema, pintar un cuadro o resolver un problema matemático de una forma nueva y única. La creatividad es expresión de nuestra humanidad. Es lo que nos hace únicos, lo que nos permite ver el mundo con ojos nuevos y encontrar belleza en lo cotidiano. Nos ilumina e impulsa a seguir aprendiendo, a seguir explorando y a seguir soñando. Y como profesor, mi mayor aspiración es encontrar y ayudar a encender esa chispa propia y creativa, para que cada cual ilumine su mundo a su forma y con sus sueños.

I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to read this article. Your support means a lot to me and motivates me to continue sharing content that can be useful and interesting for you. If you found this article helpful or enjoyed reading it, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Best wishes.

Quiero agradecerles sinceramente por tomarse el tiempo de leer este artículo. Su apoyo significa mucho para mí y me motiva a seguir compartiendo contenido que pueda ser útil e interesante para ustedes. Si encontraron este artículo útil o disfrutaron leyéndolo, les agradecería enormemente sus comentarios. Éxitos.

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.

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