SkyBuds Organic Grow Room Living Soil Experiment #87

Strain Name: Freakshow / DR GRIN
Strain Type: Regular
Strain Breeder: 7eastgenetics /
Growing medium: Supersoil
Growing Ferts: EWC & Compost Tea & Top Dress

With it now being day 2 of the autos in the soil we still have nothing showing life, I am thinking around 4-5 days before we see anything. This is never the fastest way to get them but I feel it is the safest.

The DR GRIN is finally starting to look fatter, if this is true or not who knows haha. The freakshow is about done I actually left it the whole weekend and I am going to cut it down today. The size is small but I know from growing before she packs a punch.

Do you grow lettuce? What is your favorite kind to grow? I like to grow a variety to get as many minerals and benefits from it as I can.




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