Learning is a Continual Process and My techniques

Hello Friends,

Good day to you all and I hope this weekend is going well for you.

In my opinion, learning is a process that should be always on. I can give an example and I hope many of you can relate to this. We all expect a smartphone that is upgraded and loaded with our latest features. For example, if I am talking about the Apple iPhone then the latest model is iPhone 15 Max Pro. Why do people buy this phone when they know that this is a very expensive phone in the market and not everyone can afford it? Even if you can afford it then also there is a question of why you want to spend that much money on a phone. Also, why does the Apple company launch another model every year? The answer is simple they upgrade the phone with additional features and functionalities every year. We want a new model because of the upgrade so imagine if we are not willing to invest in a phone that is not upgraded then how come some company or an employer is ready to invest in someone who is not upgraded from the skills point of view?


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I hope that this example has given you a thought about what I think and this is the reason why I keep on learning many things. I'm a human being and I can't learn everything but there is an advantage that I think we all have. We have each day in our life that brings 24 hours and at least one thing we learn every day which adds up to 30 things in a month. If I sum it up for the entire year then we are going to learn 365 new things in a year. Does it sound good? If in case not then let me make it easy for you. Out of these 365 days, I am sure that we can manage to learn 300 days where 65 days are from the total count. If we can utilise this time on learning then let me tell you that it can make us a better person in knowledge and skills and this will also enhance our value in the job market or even if you are in the business then also it will get you a lot of confidence to do things in a better way.

I work in an organisation and I'm not from a non-IT background. Last year when the AI chat bought Chat GPT was announced that time I was given a responsibility by my supervisor to work in this area and figure out more about it. I was also told that I would be leading a team to get some development done and ultimately with AI technology the company would be trying to reduce on manpower costs. If it's obvious that the company intended to reduce the manpower cost by implementing more automation. I tried my best and it took me about three to 4 months to learn about this technology by the end of December month I was able to implement 25 automations throughout the department. It is a big count and my supervisor was very happy but all I could do because I put my best in the learning. This year I have an even bigger target which is 40 and I will be trying to make it happen so let us see how it happens in the coming months. The company can save a lot of money because of technological advancement and automation and as an employee I am happy and as a supervisor my manager is happy. All this is happening because I am putting so much effort into the learning even though I'm not from that background but I don't think that is the bar for everyone.

My technique is simple I start from scratch and it helps me to have a basic understanding of the topic I am learning. I also follow zero mind learning which means even if I know something about the topic then also I don't show it off so that I can get the other person's perspective while learning which helps me a lot so this is my technique of learning new things.


I also believe in one thought that if you can learn things in the best possible way to grab more knowledge then there is nothing which you cannot do. Learning is the best weapon to deal with many challenges and things might take some time but at the end of the day you will turn out to be even stronger and you will be able to solve the problem. I hope that the information that I have provided in this post is helpful for you and I can relate it to my experience because I work in an organisation and from that perspective, I could share my story along with the learning technique that I follow in real life.

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