Intellectual properties in Digital Space

Hello Friends,

Good day to you all and I hope this day is going well for you.

We don't realise the value of intellectual property unless we start working in digital space. Digital space is also called social media where we can share digital content and even we have some digital footprint. I was not aware of this unless I started writing blogs on this blockchain. At least with platforms like Facebook and Twitter you never get to know about it because almost everyone is doing the same. They copy the information from the open place and share it anywhere and these platforms do not restrict it.



After starting on this blockchain platform I realised the value of intellectual properties and it is really important. I got to know about this in my initial days so I have not done anything wrong and I always ensure that I use something available for the open public. If there is no such information or content available then I try to create my own and doesn't matter whether it is good or not. Genuineness and originality are crucial and don't matter even if I don't create such fantastic content because that is not going to create the problem.

Hope you know that only original content will come on Hive and if you are using anything from the open Internet then you must mention it. This is the golden rule on Hive and not just on this platform but I think it is applicable across the Internet. If you have a digital footprint it doesn't mean that you can ignore it because it is not fair practice and always recommended not to use anything that is not yours but if it is necessary then you must give credit to the original creator. Nft formula also works on the same fundamentals where the digital artwork is available for everyone but only the owner has the specific ownership to own that art piece. Plagiarism is a very big and problematic part of digital space but sadly lot of people are doing it. In the real world, we cannot use anything unless permission is provided by the owner but in the digital world, people do it even without caring that they need to have some permission before doing this.



I am glad that after coming on this platform I realised the value of the intellectual property and its crucial. If I want nobody to use my digital assets without my permission then how can I use someone else assets without any permission? Some people keep it chargeable so if you are paying for that then obviously you have the right to use it but something that comes for free doesn't mean you have the right to do it. Some tools can be used to ensure that we are not doing anything right and in my opinion, this is not the right practice to use anyone else assets for our purpose.


Overall I can say that in the digital space where the Internet is growing faster, we need to understand the importance of intellectual property. Be original and don't use anyone else assets because it is not a fair practice. I never do this and I ensure that I will not do it intentionally ever in my life. I understand how it feels when our hard work is used by someone else. People can take action but that secondary part is the first place we need to understand and respect the original honour or the content creator of that intellectual property.

Participation for InLeo AprilInleo

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