Why is Bitcoins Value Soaring? The Power of an idea? And can you harness it and also grow?

Ideas have power

I awoke this morning at 4:43 AM, I was awakened by the power of an idea.

The Power of an Idea whose time has come, is stronger then any army...”

I was contemplating the rise of the price of Bitcoin before I went to sleep last night. I digested my days readings, while I slept. This thought woke me up.....

Bitcoin is an idea, whose time has come, and to me, that idea, is that the medium or vehicle by which we store or exchange value, should be free of the ownership and control by one country, this medium or vehicle should be easily transferable between persons looking each other in the eye or who are separated by the far expanse of the earth, and the production of this medium or vehicle, and the record of its transactions, should not be under the power or control of one man, or one woman, one country or even a consortium of countries. It should be uncontrollable via the powerful concept of ubiquitous distribution of its production and its record of transactions.

The Power of an idea

I read yesterday of a historical conversation in the field of astronomy. The discussion centered on the popular idea that the Sun revolved around the Earth. The people of the time were educated to believe this idea, from the time they were children, and they kept this idea in their possession even as adults. This idea was written on chalkboards inside classrooms for many, many generations. While outside the classroom, people looked up at the sky, and interpreted what they saw, through the filter of those words: the Sun revolves around the Earth.

However, as time went on, people stopped believing that the Sun revolved around the earth, because the reality of what they saw in the sky disagreed with these words. And eventually, people laughed and thought it was silly, that they ever believed that the Sun rotated around the earth, and they embraced a new idea, that the earth revolved around the Sun. Yet in their action of discarding the former idea and embracing the later, the wisest amongst them took note of the Power of an Idea to shape the thinking of all people for a thousand years.

The idea, that Bitcoin has value, is an idea, whose time has come.

I read everyday of yet another millionaire, or billionaire announcing they own several million dollars worth of Bitcoin. Many of them have been silently accumulating it for many years. Apparently, they understood the power off the idea long ago.

This idea: ” that idea, is that the medium or vehicle by which we store or exchange value, should be free of the ownership and control by one country, this medium or vehicle should be easily transferable between persons looking each other in the eye or who are separated by the far expanse of the earth, and the production of this medium or vehicle, and the record of its transactions, should not be under the power or control of one man, or one woman, one country”

It’s just an idea, written on a chalkboard, inside a classroom, until outside the classroom, people see with their own two eyes, the validity or truth behind the idea. It is then that the power of the idea becomes unstoppable. It is then that those who previously scoffed or ridiculed the idea, now they will embrace it, and now scoff and ridicule their previously held beliefs.

You can harness this idea, this power and you can also succeed.

This idea, that Bitcoin has value, can be extrapolated or applied to other things, if you grasp the idea, that ideas written on the classroom chalkboard, must be strong enough and true enough, to stand up under the scrutiny of life outside the classroom. They must stand up under the withering power of the Sun, the Wind and the Rain. If those ideas are true, they shall prevail and also help you endure. Yet if those ideas be false, they shall surely fail you, and leave you to harm by the elements of sun, wind and rain.

But will you have the strength and courage, to acknowledge the warmth of the sun, the wetness of the rain, the gentle and sometimes harsh power of the wind?

Or will you deny their reality and cling to those chalkboard idea?



This picture is from my friend, Marisa Antoniol Adams, a soldier in the United States Army, stationed in Antarctica. Thank you for sharing Marisa.

A special thank you to @onealpha.leo
He rattled my cage, and dared me to be better.

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