Why I Tweet!


Announcing the Cute-X Collaboration

  • Here on Hive we have many communities based on diverse content preferences.
  • But one community is different. The CUTE community is built on a shared purpose; providing value and being rewarded for that value. The value we bring is our time and attention. Our reward is tokens.
  • I propose to form a collaboration with X based on bringing value to X in the form of real people and new content, which represent what X needs most: the time and attention of real people.

X formerly known as Twitter

  • X is a social media giant, which makes money from multiple traditional sources, including advertising, subscriptions and possibly selling information about its users to advertisers.
  • This business model is most profitable when you have lots of users, and X has many.
  • Elon Musk has stated that many X accounts are bots and not real people, and advertising revenue could increase if X onboards more real people. but advertisers require real users.
  • Here on Hive we have lots of accounts and also lots of users, but few advertisers.

It’s not a competition, it’s a collaboration.

  • I want to form a mutually beneficial relationship with X, that benefits X because we bring real people to X. And it benefits the CUTE community because all earnings from X are used to buy and power up Hive, which increases the size of the upvotes given to posts and comments in the community.
  • The community also provides value to X with content about the technology called blockchain. And this stuff called cryptocurrency. I hope people on X join me on Hive. But I don’t want people to leave X to join Hive, I want to network with them in both places.

Bringing value to both X Twitter and Hive

  • X is huge, over 200 million accounts by some reports. And the Hive Community is around 2 million accounts, which are real people. This is a value to any platform. The collaboration brings people and content to X.
  • The C.U.T.E. strategy makes being active on X easy.
  • Retweet Tweets of @shortsegments and like them. This generates impressions and stimulates the algorhythm to increase the number of people who see the Tweets.
  • You don't have to say anything long or complicated, just something positive or just Like and ReTweet.
  • Also encourage your friends on X to follow @shortsegments on X.
  • You can also Tweet the links of good posts you find in the CUTE Community Posts, and CuteCurator Posts also .
  • This Symbiosis helps recruit new members to Hive and INLEO.
  • This is working with X as a partner, not a competitor. Cute encourages members to join and use X as a partner.

Follow me on X 9formerly Twitter)

  • I hope you are active on Twitter and that you join me there: Link
Read more about C.U.T.E.


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