Free chain: the movie about Hive’s origin.

Free chain: the movie about Hive’s origin.


  • The story of the takeover of Steemit, and the fracturing of the community, followed by many people leaving Steemit to form a new community called Hive.
  • The STEEM blockchain and the community called STEEMIT were my introduction to social media on a blockchain, and the delegated proof of stake method of securing the blockchain ledger.
  • I came to Steemit from the jungle like world of cryuptocurrency, which was a true Dog Eat Dog world of prey and predators.
  • Steemit was a product of a developer named Dan Larimer and he envisioned a censorship free social community where you rewarded the behavior you wanted to see with money, and you ignored the behavior you didn't want to see, so that it would be supported economically by others or it would simply go away.
  • Steemit had so many features which were completely new to cryptocurrency: a wallet address which was your name, wallet transfers by name, wallet withdrawals using the equivalent of 2FA verification and of course the Reward Pool System we enjoy on Hive.
  • Steemit has Smart Contracts which defined the relationshiip between the blockchain utility token STEEM and the blockchain stablecoin Steem Backed Dollar, and of course the staked version of STEEM STEEMPOWER.
  • But the movie about the birth of Hive detaols how a vulnerability was used by a large stakeholder to control the Deklegators who maintained the integrity of the ledger, and with that control you rollback or roll forward the chain creating transactions which rewarded people unfairly or robbed people unfairly.
  • It's a story of betrayal, intrigue, cunning and anger, alobng with despair.
  • It involves pre-mines, exchanges, lies, deceit, and ignorance.
  • It's a story of a split in a community which created wounds, some of which are still unhealed today because of wrongs which have not been righted, and peoples losses for which they not yet been compensated.
  • It pitted friends against friends, and created animous, which exists still yet on both chains.
  • I expect it to be a lively drama, and dramatization.
  • I look forward to it coming to Theatres and I hope you get to see it.
  • More details below :


The first teaser trailer contaning footage from our first 3 interviews is finally going live. I want to thank everyone involved for their time and we hope to deliver something that we can all be proud of.
This video will be used to attract external attention and hopefully a number of high profile names in crypto to add to the film.

The film maker intention is to create a film that will appeal to the masses and portray the cryptocurrency space in a hopeful and easily understood manner. The film will then be entered into film festivals since the film making team has had significant success there in the past, and it will be presented to streaming services for maximum reach.

Unlike most recent crypto documentaries that cover the negatives of crypto, we intend to show the hopeful side, our fundamental beliefs and explore the value of "community".
Not every crypto-documentary needs to be about lives ruined. It can also be about the positives, about community and overcoming adversity.
The film is 2 parts generally about crypto and 1 part about the Steem/Hive split. The film maker will use the Steem/Hive story as an example of a crypto community upholding the core principles of this space.
Pinpointing where value actually resides.

Currently outside the core team working on this film, we have an amazing animation team working on the film. I have observed their work and my assesment is extremely positive. Stock footage is used in the initial teaser but large parts of the film will be animated adding to the artistic value of the film. Interviews will be used in tandem with animation and narration.

Remember, we are not only making a factual coverage of the events, we are making a "piece of art". Something with dramatic value that can be viewed by everyone and anyone outside the Hive ecosystem without difficulty of comprehension while yielding an emotional response.

At this point in time I would like to invite everyone to join our discord channel, follow us on twitter and on Hive.
Please reblog this post and make it seen by as many Hivers as possible. As is with Hive, the success of this film will undoubtedly rely on your support.



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