Unveiling the dangers and benefits of environmental protection

Happy Earth day, today marks another year since we began to celebrate it on 22nd of April 1970 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The Earth is ours and so we should do everything in our capacity to make it conducive and a better place for everyone of us. We all have a major role to play either to make it bad or good, how we maintain it will detect the end result.

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Unfortunately, with what I've seen so far, I guess most people care less about living organisms in general and it's environment, how we preserve and protect our environment and everything in it matters alot.
We now live in a world whereby most people only care to make the best use of what the Earth has to provide but failed to take care of it so as to make it yield more and more.

Take for instance those that are cutting trees, despite the fact that they are making use of trees for a good course but the rate at which these trees are being cut is getting too much, even trees that are not yet to be cut and thereafter not doing anything to plant more trees.
All these are causing a great negative influence in our society, the trees that ought to serve as a guide or protection when there's a strong wind are being cut down.

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Few months ago, before the start of rainy season here in Nigeria, we experience a very harsh weather, the heat was too much that everybody felt it, it was all over the country, to make matters worse there was no adequate electric that would have helped to power the fan or air conditioners. Trees would have helped to some extent, because those that had tress close to their house weren't complaining as much as those that don't have any around them at all. That's one of the advantage of trees, it provides fresh air, but when all these trees that ought to help are being cut down, what we will be left with is great heat.

Sometime ago I heard the story of a man (a hunter), that killed a very big wild animal and the next thing he did was to kill it, for him, his family and friends to eat and enjoy, what he would have keep and sell to those interested in keeping wildlife, and maybe through that he might take his family out of poverty, but he decided to eat what would have made him a notable person.

Some people also engage in bush burning, with these they destroy alot of things such as; the destruction of soil organisms, soil texture and soil fertility, the soil will no longer be fertile enough to produce its best, It destroys vegetation cover leading to soil erosion. It also causes air pollution which can be very harmful to man.

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I have a farm in a rural area and what the person that usually help me manage the it tells me is that, fire tracing is very important during dry season, because fire can just come from any where nearby and burn all the plants on the farm. Most times, fire don't just happen, someone has to initiate it, the hunters or some farmers burning bush are also putting some people's lives and property in danger.
All this acts are not in any way improving the Earth but destroying it. We should all stand to make the reason for celebrating Earth day come to fulfillment, whish is to demonstrate support for environmental protection, lets do our best to see that we're protecting our environment and not destroying it.

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