Unveiling the beauty of keeping pets

Pets are considered as animals that are kept as companion, they are mostly animals one can live with us without causing any harm whatsoever. There are many examples but the most common here are cat and dog. The reason most people keep cat here are mostly because of rodents. In our family house, we are always been disturbed with rats and even after trying so many methods of doing away with them but to no avail, we tried buying rat catcher, rat poison all didn't work, it was until we bought a cat that was when we were able to rest from rat troubles. We all know cat and rat are never in good terms, the cat helped us to kill all the rats and those that it couldn't kill, they all flee for their lives.

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Anyways, some people also keep cat because they love them, that are beautiful animals and it's nice seeing them around.
I love pets so much, we have a cat in our house now, we've been taking care of it from a very young age and now it's full grown and more beautiful.

Though there was a time the cat did a very painful thing to us in the house, we prepared a very costly soup one faithful day but we forgot to lock it up in the store because of this same cat, before the next morning, our cat had finished all the soup without remaining anything, all the fish, meat, animal skin and all was finished.
My dad almost killed it that day but we later plead on its behalf. Ever since then our cat has not been misbehaving.

Dogs are the most common types of pets in this part of the world, even though I'm scared of foreign dogs, yet I like them, whenever I see someone taking them around in the street, I just feel like I'm the one.

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Even though it's not easy to maintain foreign dogs at the moment due to the economic situation of the country, their feeds are now very expensive but local dogs are very easy to maintain, we have both local and foreign and even today we sold three local dogs, which cost $30.
Asides keeping them as companion, it's also a very good business.

There are some animals that usually intrudes and it's most times not wanted, snake is one of them, a very dangerous animal even though some are keeping it as pets, I don't know how they do it though, because personally, I can't stand seeing it from far distance, let alone allow it come close to me.
However it's good to have pet in he house, their presence and advantage cannot be underplayed.

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