Unveiling my experience with InLeo

Before now I've been moving back and forth, from one place to another looking for means to be consistent on the blockchain, it was not an easy journey at all, I keep trying hard until I finally come across InLeo.
Now I understand the saying that with hardwork we will definitely reach our goal someday. I've been busy looking for means to be consistent on the blockchain, that's writing everyday or at most if I'm very busy I might miss just one day in a week, InLeo made my dream come true.

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I joined InLeo this month, on 16th and since then I've been trying to be consistent, and I believe I'm really trying, there's a great change. I think I've received notifications and badges from hivebuzz like two times now for writing everyday of the week without missing a day. I can't even remember the last time I received that before joining InLeo. The daily prompt has imparted my writing positively. Not only about writing everyday but I see that I'm getting better with it. Before now I do struggle to write, I've battled with writer's block countless times but recently I'm having a lot of passion for writing.

At the beginning of the month when I saw the calendar for the month of April, I was virtually clueless about what to write but I know got a clue when I checked the breakdown of each topic on Leo Growth and Leo.tasks (the former account that post the thread for the daily prompt).
If not for the explanation of the topic maybe I would have nothing to write most times but the breakdown of the topics are really helpful, a big thank you to the team.

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Anyways, sometimes I have issue with the InLeo frontend, but before this, I'll like to appreciate the InLeo team for a job well done in building a beautiful and large space called the InLeo frontend, it's one of the best platform to access the hive blockchain, with a lot of beautiful features, so I'll say kudos to all the team for a job well done. The site might refuse to load atimes, so what I do is leave it for a while and then try again after few minutes then it works again, I don't know the reason for this but I hope the inLeo team will do something about it soon.

Another thing I noticed while accessing the frontend is when I see the follow option on communities I've already followed or subscribed to, I'm always surprised when I see this, I don't bother to follow anyways, I just ignore and continue blogging.
Nevertheless I believe no one is an island of knowledge, we all need to keep improving, inLeo frontend to me is still one of the best platform to access hive blockchain yet there's still room for little improvement. Long live InLeo and God bless InLeo.

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