No Opportunistic Plays by Sniping or Sneaking



I had a chill weekend and today just had the usual work. Finally, got the time to write my battle mage secrets post for this week! The theme for this week is Fog of War. In this ruleset, there is no more sneak, snipe and opportunity. Something important to note is that scattershot still works.



My Strategy & Tips for Fog of War

Before I go in my strategy and tips for fog of war, how many have you accidentally put a team with opportunity, sneak, or snipe in this ruleset. I can tell you that I have made that blunder a few times in my Splinterlands history.

For Fog of War, the main strategy is to have two melee units in front and have one with reach and the back should be magic, ranged or healing units to support. Usually, it's ideal to choose units that are fast and have good DPS. This is why I like to use the water element for this battle.

I also like to use an Immortalis lineup with Mycelic infantry in the front and slipspawn in the back. The middle of the team will mostly be support and dps.

Another strategy in this ruleset and probably one of the strongest strategies is using Grimbardun Smith. Grimbardun smith is arguably the most broken tank in the game at the moment. With of Fog of War, support healing units can be played behind and you basically have unkillable tank. The only way to win here would be praying on good scattershot hits.

In the case the fire element is available, then there's an option to play Jacek. This summoner breaks the typical rule of Fog of War since it gives the team scattershot which will allow ranged and magic units to have a chance at hitting the backline when they normally wouldn't be able to.


The Battle

The battle link can be found here. I had this battle my own account, ShawnNFT. This battle was in brawls and if you see my name in wild ranked that is a bot. The ruleset for this battle was fog of war, up close & personal and armored up. The mana cap was 25 with fire and life element banned.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Kelya - I chose Kelya because as mentioned in my tips, it's key to have access to units with dps and speed.

First Position, Diemonshark - Diemonshark is a monster unit in an up close & personal ruleset because of the retaliate. It's also great for it's enrage and trample.

Second Position, Tide Bider - I chose Tide Bider because it had decent dps and speed while also not being able to miss. I also wanted the safety net of the reflection shield in case he played Yodin or cards with thorns

Third Position, Pelacor Bandit - This card was mainly fodder. It can't really do anything in this situation until it reaches the first position. I liked it because of the flying and the speed to hopefully dodge any attacks.

Fourth Position, Torrent Fiend - I chose this as another fodder for my last unit. It can also come in handy by reducing range damage if opponent chose to play a unit like Tatiana blayde that had dual attack.

Last Position, Tatiana Blayde - I chose Tatiana Blayde as my finisher. It has range so it can attack from the back position which would be hard with a fog of war + up, close & personal ruleset together.


Analysis of The Battle

Honestly, I feel this battle was a bit close. I thought I was going to lose when I saw the martyr quora team. If one or two of the retaliates didn't go through, the quora buffed with the martyr probably would've just solo killed my whole team. If I recall correctly, I was also considering to play quora but I couldn't because it was an away match and the opposing guild banned quora. I like how the opponent used the disintegrator to reduce the melee damage but it wasn't good enough to defeat me.

I feel quite satisfied with my team. The only thing that I can consider to modify my team would be to remove tide bider, pelacor bandit and torrent fiend for a flying squid. That may have been able to work and it might be better as well.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! What do you think of my strategy for fog of war?

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use my referral link here.

If you did use my referral link, feel free to ask me for any help or questions. Thank you!



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