Looking To Add To My Collection

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Finally, the sealed march madness is over. Let's hope I get something. Anyways the new set is coming out on sale in a few days and I want to cover the cards I want to add to my collection. Let's see if this new set brings me back into grinding weekend ranked every week.


Current Collection


Before looking at the cards I want to get from the Dread Awakening Set, I want to cover my collection. My collection is sitting around at a value of $870 dollars. It has fell over 200 dollars since the last time I shared my collection status which was sometime last year. I still have this Netherswarm Lord that I've been trying to sell. If you're interested, please buy it from me Thank you. I want to increase my collection and I think I'm just going to ignore the quality from now on unless I have enough copies to increase it. If I do upgrade the quality of cards, it has to be affordable and staple cards like Black Jaguar.


Neutral Cards


There are six neutral cards for this set. There are four cards here that I would like to add to my collection. I think Gate of Souls is a great card to tech in. It will be super useful in not allowing opponent to have their units to go to the void if that's what their win condition is. Irina could have a lot of potential depending on what the god ascended power is. I also think it's great that you are guaranteed to open with this card as it will greatly increase the consistency of a deck. I'm just not sure how the deck would play without other neutral cards. Dread Marauder is another great card just with it's base stats alone of 4/5 you can play it even if the ability doesn't do anything. The ability could remove a lot of zombies and other stuff that are summoned like food chain nature. I feel this card was targeting food chain nature. Another card I think that is good here is Felid Spine Striker. If the opponent has two units and you have none, you can do 3 damage and most likely kill one of the units on the board; the card also has great stats at 3/5. As for the other two cards, I don't think they are that good so I won't go over them.


War Cards I WANT

It seems like war will have a carving deck which seems to do with recycling spells to get Sojourner on the board. I'm not too interested as it will probably a premium deck. I'm only looking at a few cards that I might add to my collection.


Bloodbound Calvary has great base stats. I also like that ability that can heal up. It should be solid in a war control deck.


Signi I feel gives a lot of temp. I think at 7 mana being able to bring a 9/7 unit on the board is just crazy strong. You also have a chance to delete the opponent's best creature.

I feel Ulrika is a bit OP. It will be annoying because if opponent is unable to remove it the turn after it's played, it will just get too much value from trading.


Nature Cards I WANT


This card will be my must get card. I feel this card is just way too strong and will be hard to remove since it will always copy itself back into the deck. It could be an alternative win condition for food nature maybe. It will definitely be good in wisp decks since these two cards will complement each other.

This card will complement That Which Feeds Us. I could also see it being used in a control deck to just have a unit hat keeps coming back. It's definitely not a card to be used online, it needs to be complimented with some other cards.

I also want a Leyline Feeder. I made a theoretical situation to use this card. If this card was to be used after a double food chain to dread touch the 8 mana unit, you would get 8 mutations. If you use 7 mutations on a 1 mana spell, it would be 8 mana. There's only one 8 mana spell for nature called Hollow Farm which would only cost 1 mana due to the mutation. It would give each creature 5/5 for the nature board. I'm not sure if this is a good play though; I will have to test it out.

Lash Out is basically a canopy barrage on steroids. It will be super good in control nature decks that are more spell heavy and honestly I think it could be better than lightning strike.


Magic Cards I WANT

Magic will get a new type of deck playing around Elderytch Mystries. I feel it might be a top tier premium deck and I'm not interested in spending that much money to play it.

Now this card is a card that I think could be broken. It won't be broken by itself but I want to be able to try this combo. This combo could maybe allow a 9/9 avatar of magic on turn 5.

The combo will need divine birth. There are units that can reduce the spell cost so you could get this to 0 or 1 mana to play. Turn 4/5 you could play divine birth + 2 metamorphisis and you could summon a 9 mana unit on turn 4/5. If the 9 mana unit is not good, you can sacrafice it for a 0 mana 9/9 avatar of magic. I'm not sure how consistent this combo would be though.

This is also another card I have my eyes on. I feel it's super strong. It would be super good in magic mirror matches. Magic is also lacking healing spells so this could help magic decks have a healthy life to get into the late game.


Light Cards I WANT

This new set will bring the chosen one decks back. I think it will be interesting to see how it works because there's a card that can set opponent's max health to 10. It wouldn't be too hard to KO from there.

This makes me think of the neutral thariel card. This card should be solid. It should be a solid card to close the game for a control light deck.

This will be a solid card for aggro light. I think it can dreadtouch echo units or units that are able to summon a 1/1 or 1/1 when they die?

This should be another great card. Even without the ability I think a 4/5 is solid for 4 mana. There are some cards that have these stats with no abilities so having the ability is like a cherry on top.


Deception Cards I WANT

This card will break control deception. It's going to be super annoying as this card will help remove the opponent's creature by trading it with other creature after taking control.

Most deception decks will have this legendary. It will help remove a creature from the void. It will be super useful against anubian decks and the dragon reviving from void deck.


Death Cards I WANT

Death doesn't have a lot of cards that I want. I'm not building the dragon void deck. I feel Of Two Minds will be a great addition to my zombie deck. Dreadtouching a 1/1 zombie isn't a big deal to get both effects.



Honestly, I wish I could have every card from this set playable (2 copies of each common-epic and 1 copy of each legendary) but I doubt that would happen. I just shared the ones that I am going to focus on getting. These aren't necessarily the best cards but they are great additions to my current collection for the decks I play. Set looks super fun. Power creep is real but let's see how it goes. Hopefully, there will be a lot of different variety in decks so things will seem "balanced".


Thank You

Thank you for reading! What about you? What cards are you looking forward to adding to you your collection from this set?

Referral Link
If you interested in playing Gods Unchained, you can sign up using my referral code: ZJxNxMskbI on the website here

This is also my entry for INLEO APRIL 19 for cards collection topic. You can find out more information here about the intiative. It's really good if you're unsure of what to write on a certain day.




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