First day of the Week- Unexpected Timing

Good day, guys!

This is the start of my week, you might find it odd but my weekend is on a Friday.

I slept earlier than usual and still woke up with a headache. I forced myself to get ready and went to work. The commute was actually smooth. When I got to the clinic, I was greeted by one of our receptionists and she told me to look at my room, I wasn't rushing and I went to the pantry first. Then when I went upstairs to my room, I was shocked, it looked like a whirlwind passed by. I was wondering what treatment room I would use. To make it worse one of our therapists came back so we couldn't use her room. So in the meantime, I had to treat downstairs. Our doctor wasn't here so I was expecting some cancellations. I welcomed our colleague back when I saw her and the first thing that she said to me was that I got fat.


My first patient came in and he was a patient of mine for a very long time. It's nice to speak to him about life, though he focuses too much on his pain also. My second patient was another patient who I had been treating for a long time, it's nice to look at his progress because he injured his right shoulder before and he couldn't even max out his mobility. Right now, he could actually reach max range already. My next patient was my patient last week who I thought was only a complimentary patient, it was also nice conversing with her. The next one was a new patient, though she got treated by one of my colleagues, at first it was difficult speaking with her but later on we were talking about investments for the future. My next patient was a patient of mine from before, I used to treat her partner also, and it was really nice catching up with her. I had 2 more patients after that who told me not to get married and to have fun first.


I then ate lunch and ate some sweets that one of my colleagues brought from India.


After lunch, my next patient canceled, and then my next one came. It was nice speaking with him and I'm surprised we knew a mutual person in Baguio. My 2 last patients canceled on me so I was just speaking with my colleagues and what happened to the rooms. It was also nice speaking with them and catching up. We actually left early and I rode with one of my colleagues and she dropped me off at the metro station, from there, I rode the bus going home and ate a snack before going to the gym. My gym session felt really nice. I then went home, ate dinner and took a shower, and washed my gym clothes. This day may have been tiring but at least I was able to enjoy speaking with others


Thanks for reading stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me.



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