Time is changing our habits - Beautiful and Sublime Sunday

Friends, Happy Sunday everyone.

I joined the office again today after two days. Means Friday and Saturday enjoyed the weekend. Then I left for my office this morning, since the last two days were holidays, the presence of people or vehicles on the road was much less than before. Means there were fewer cars today than on normal days.

However, one of the reasons for this is the early morning journey to the office. Because weekend days have been increased in our country as well as the office schedule has also been changed. Due to which we now have to leave for office very early in the morning, and the roads are very empty at that time.


The same happened today, as the number of passengers on the road was less, the number of vehicles was also very less. As a result, I reach the office very quickly and focus on work before the due time. Yes, it's a good thing that there is less traffic on the roads in the early morning and relatively no jams.

If you look at today's photographs, you can understand how bright and beautiful the day was, the beautiful environment, I fell asleep for a while while traveling in the car. In fact, I don't remember exactly when I fell asleep looking at the beautiful scenery outside.




But it is true that the environment outside was much more beautiful and enchanting. Honestly the morning atmosphere is always beautiful and attractive and the bright atmosphere looks even better. In today's case also that matter is clear, it will be clear if you look at the surrounding environment.

But we have a different problem, that is we can't sit on the bus for a long time due to waking up early in the morning. Falling asleep and falling asleep. In fact, it is a matter of concern, because in our country we have to accept harassment in buses in various ways. Especially for girls, so I'm quite worried about falling asleep on the bus.




However, an idea is working in my mind, I want to share it with you. You can share your opinion on that and suggest me. I am thinking from now on I will read the story book while coming in the bus in the morning, then I will not fall asleep due to the attraction of the story and will be able to reach the office awake. I will practice it tomorrow and see what the result is.



These were my thoughts today and Sunday's wonderful scenes. I hope you like the photographs, although the roads of our country are not so empty and beautiful very often. Because the pressure of excess traffic and the presence of people creates a lot of noise and pressure on the environment, which does not look nice and pleasant at all.


It seems like waking up early in the morning and taking the bus to office, then sitting on the bus reading a book to get rid of sleepiness, these are signs of changing habits, this is how our habits change over time.

All are my original Photography, device Redmi 9.

Thanks all.





I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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