Fear Women... My thoughts on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships


After God, fear women.

In this time and age, relationships is now something one has to be awfully wary of.
The amount of unsavory stories and ideas about relationships in this generation is scarily high and the percentage that are true and continuously proven to be through is just a demonstration of the shallowness of most people's emotional activity.

In my country personally, for a man to choose a specific other to be in a relationship with is a hectic job.
First one has to really study her, not allowing the looks which are further highlighted with cosmetics and attachments to distract you.
One must look carefully at her character, then has to glean which is real or fake, before even deciding to approach her.
The investigation is quite intense..

Even before one decides to look for someone. He hears so many horror stories about relationships, enough to make a grown man shiver.
Girls making off with the man's money is one of the most popular.

In such trying times, you're using love as a make money scheme 😭

The fear of women coming in for the money is the most heard, but of course there are other ideas.

  • Women acting as flytraps for robberies.
  • Women sent by other women (previous exes) to break the young man's heart.
  • Women that are just wicked. (wandering witches)
  • Women that come close so as to make your life miserable (Witches with a purpose)

As you can see, in my country there are so many reasons to fear women 😂😭
Like Gellet Burgers masterfully said.

The Fear Of Women Is The Beginning Of Knowledge.


Yet there are so many reasons to love Women too!!

For one, in case you haven't noticed.
They are hella beautiful!!!
Beings that are just works of arts!!!

Then some of them are actually pretty nice😃✨

I'm sure there are other points but for some reason I can't see to remember them at this moment 😂✨.

The Inleo prompt of today was what prompted this post.
It asked about Divorce, Marriage and Single life.
Well I haven't married so I know nothing about divorce 😂, I'm not technically single either.

Regardless, I do still believe marriage is a beautiful thing.
The joy of companionship and love can't be trumped because at heart we humans are beings always in need of company.
The idea of having someone who'll stay with you through thick and thin, someone to joke and bicker with sounds so enticing.
Personally, I can't wait to get married!!
But as I may have hinted in the first part of this post, the dating pool isn't looking promising😂

Divorce is a topic I tend to shy away from.
The drama that comes with it is strenuous for all parties involved, especially if one of those parties is or consist of kids.
I'm friends with plenty kids who have single parents and I always have a twinge of pity for them.
I pray I'll never have a divorce and force my kid into such a dilemma.

Although in the bright side for the kid, they do get to have two different birthday parties!!!


Divorce could be caused by different things but the main issue is choosing right, and so I look at the dating pool in my country again with dread😂
Would I go fishing and reel in a goldfish that I can treasure and love for the rest of my days or a piranha who'll tear me to pieces and drag me under?

Well I'm just in the beginning of my youthful age so I shouldn't be thinking of all these I guess X )

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