My plan for the Math mini-contest for D.Buzz


The image was taken from Pixabay public domain images

This post details my plan about the mini Math contest I am going to host on D.Buzz, where I will give HIVE prizes. šŸ˜…

I want to make it more fun here on D.Buzz. I also want to promote engagement there. Why shouldn't I host a contest which will be both fun and engaging?šŸ˜ƒ

I listed below my plan for the contest rules. Anybody can make a suggestion to modify those rules! šŸ™‚

My plan for the rules

  1. Only active D.Buzz members are allowed to join. To be considered active on D.Buzz, a Hive user must have posted at least 7 days for the past 14 days.
  2. Every exactly 24 hours from the start of the contest, I will post a Math problem. I will use an auto-posting service to ensure that I publish the problem on time. If nobody answered the problem validly and correctly, see #5.
  3. Any interested and qualified participant must comment their answer on my post containing the Math problem.
  4. Participants are allowed to ask for help from anyone and anywhere for solving the Math problem.
  5. The mini-contest will run for 7 days, unless nobody submitted a valid and correct answer for a day. When nobody got the correct answer within the 24-hour period, I will show its correct answer, extend the duration of the contest by 1 day, and post another problem for the next day.
  6. The winner for the day shall be the first user who submitted the correct answer. For the submission to be valid, the user must be an active D.Buzz member and has not edited their comment with the answer. The contestant who wants to change their answer must first either delete their previous answer, or edit it such that it points to their new answer.
  7. The math problems to be posted by me would normally be correctly answerable by a competent high school student. They would not require expert knowledge to answer.
  8. Every winner will receive 1 HIVE directly to their Hive account, soon after the 24-hour answering period for the correctly-answered problem has passed.
  9. Based on the performance of the mini-contest, I will decide whether to extend the contest, make another Math mini-contest with slightly updated rules, or not host a contest at all.

After a few days, I will read your suggestions, possibly slightly modify the rules, then set the starting day and time of the contest! šŸ˜Š

I invite people to give their feedback regarding this plan of mine for a mini Math contest! šŸ˜…

Mentioning @dbuzz and @chrisrice! šŸ˜Ž

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