[esp-eng] delicado - delicate


Esta es una acuarela de esas sencillas que hago para calmar mi mente y callar pensamientos con los que cargo por mucho tiempo, al usar el pincel se hacen un poco mas livianos

This is one of those simple watercolors that I make to calm my mind and silence thoughts that I carry for a long time, when using the brush they become a little lighter


consiste en elegir una imagen que te traiga un poco de paz, que represente calma, para mi, el campo y las flores, la quietud, el aire puro, eso es para mi justo lo que busco.

It consists of choosing an image that brings you a little peace, that represents calm, for me, the field and the flowers, the stillness, the pure air, that is just what I am looking for.



el siguiente paso es pintar, no te preocupes si no queda igual, si se sale la línea, si se mancha o gotea, es sencillamente dibujar y pintar.

The next step is to paint, don't worry if it doesn't look the same, if the line comes out, if it stains or drips, it's simply drawing and painting.


Disfruta el proceso, sé consiente de cada pincelada, hazlo despacio, hazlo porque quieres, hazlo para ti

Enjoy the process, be aware of each brush stroke, do it slowly, do it because you want, do it for you

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