The candle burned on the table

For centuries, people used candles. History has not informed us about the origin of the candles. It is generally believed that the ancient Egyptians first invented and used them candles. But these are not the candles that we use. It was a torch made from a reed core, it was soaked in molten fat. And he differed from the candle in the absence of a wick. The Romans were those who are said to be the first to use the wick candle. They illuminated the houses, they were used for religious purposes and in witchcraft rituals.

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Each nation has its secrets in the technology of making candles. Women in colonial America were the first to make a step in the preparation of candles. They gathered together to share news and gossip that were part of their lives. These times were an opportunity for them to escape from stress and stressful lifestyles and relax, sharing some news with each other. They found that when boiling berries the shrubs produced a substance with a sweet smell, when burning it gave a clean flame and no smoke. But it was a tedious process of extracting wax from berries, so it did not become popular, although it continued to be used on a local scale.


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At the end of the 18th century, whaling became global. A huge number of whales were destroyed. As a result of the crystallization of the sperm whale oil, spermaceti became available in large quantities. Spermacetovy wax does not smoke and does not emit an unpleasant smell during burning, as does a bee. Candles made from spermaceti wax are harder than lard and beeswax, it does not become soft and does not lose shape in the heat. According to historians, the first candles, reminiscent of modern, made of spermaceti wax.

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In the nineteenth century, the world, thanks to the French chemist Michel Chevrolet, saw stearin candles. They did not melt or smoke when burning. They were in great demand, they are still popular in Europe.
And in 1834 on sale appeared molded candles. Such a surprise to mankind was presented by the inventor Joseph Morgan. They were cheap, burned without smoke.

Today, candle making has become a passion for many people. They say that this is more than just a hobby. It is an artistic form that allows one to show individuality. You can choose your ideal candle pattern, give it your favorite color and flavor.

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Candles made from gel are more unique and beautiful than traditional wax candles. There are several properties of gel candles that give them a unique and artistic look. Unlike traditional wax candles, gel candles can be transparent or multicolored. In gel candles, you can insert small items for decoration. Sea shells, beads and small figures are just three types of things that can decorate such candles. It is worth remembering that gel candles burn at higher temperatures than wax candles, so it is vital to observe all precautions when making and using gel candles. A gel candle will burn twice as long, filling the space with a pleasant aroma. Their uniqueness and beauty, they turn into a room decoration.

Not all people know that they can make beautiful candles and decorate their home. This is quite easy to do. To be able to make beautiful soy candles, the quality of consumables is important. In your kitchen, you can easily make soy candles. You can give candles any shape. It can be any figure that you like. A candle made by own hands, you can impart any flavor.

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Recently, in 1991, Michael Richards invented soybean wax. He immediately became very popular. There are several advantages of using soy wax. It is much cheaper than other natural waxes, such as beeswax. And when burned, smoke is much less than synthetic candles.

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Most candle manufacturers consider beeswax one of the best materials for use. These are expensive candles of the highest quality. Wax candles burn more long time, at burning publish pleasant natural aroma.

Candles made from synthetic wax often include harmful by-products and allergenic components. Paraffin, a conventional synthetic wax, is a by-product of oil. It is not recommended to use paraffin candles, because they can release a small amount of mercury. Bee wax is hypoallergenic and non-toxic, which makes it ideal for candles.

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Bee wax is more expensive than synthetic wax, it burns twice as long and does not smoke.
Another important advantage of such candles is that they have a wonderful natural flavor. Do not add any smell to the candle; it naturally gives off a pleasant and delicate smell of honey. Bee wax has many advantages over synthetic materials. It is the most expensive, but it produces the purest burning candles with a pleasant natural flavor.

Today, candles are no longer the main source of light for people, but candles continue to be very popular and useful. Candles signify a holiday, romance, solemnity, filling the space with a pleasant glow and aroma. Scented candles are a perfect gift for friends and a beautiful decoration for your home.

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