People Of Earlier Days And Their Uniqueness.


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From the cradle of civilization, humanity have passed from many phases of developments and improvements. In their ingenuity, they display wisdom and understanding which helped their generation to survive and solved their problems. Their knowledge are clearly depicted by their surviving works of arts, writing and artifacts to prove their achievement and feats.

Although sophistication and improvement on various fields of human endeavor have been noticed, men and women of those earliest stages had many good achievements which serves as unique models for these sophistication and modernity. Let's talk about some of their achievements and how we have improved on them.

In architecture and building, the picture on the onset depicted the great work of the Egyptian builders and engineers. The pyramids still stand in their deserts after many years of establishment. It's a great monument that shows human intelligence and ingenuity because it's never a careless structure but massive edifice with plans.

Pyramids and other great structures of kinds like their palace serves unique purposes. It's started from great plans with mathematical coordinates and ordinates. Never will it be destroyed or fall but strong for years to come. Many structural engineers carefully studied theses works of arts and learn best ways to construct modern buildings and sky scrappers that imitate and improve the works of those men. For example, the current world tallest building, Burj Khalifa in Dubai primed for its unprecedented, but structure of such height, stability and marvels. Despite being so high, there's still an ingenious ways of getting to the topmost layers of the great pyramids without lifts which these modern buildings including Burj needed to improve upon.

The road system and paved streets of the Roman cities. Their roads are great structures and primed because of its importance for the development and prosperity of their cities. Roman engineers spend great time and ideas on such unique designs that spanned all over their territories.

Their roads have many different layers of several materials for the sustainability and strength. Evidences of the remains of those roads and highways in some part of the world where they lived serves a good glance of what their roads and achievement were. Those hard materials but paved can sustain several pressures from their users and climatic elements for many years. Also, it usually being cleaned and washed by their municipal slaves for their services for socio-economic and communication purposes.

Modern roads and railway have showed great sophistication and intelligence but still have many demerits. Many road mishaps and washing aways of the paved ways are common sights on these highways and their durability can still be questioned. Roman roads and design can still be learned to improve our road network and structures.

The aquaduct of the Greek cities serves the unique achievement of the earlier humans. In many cities of old, there's a good water system that involves many channels, ducts and fountains which uniquely designed for their lifestyle and survival of the people. Without any mechanical means, these huge aquaduct can carry large amounts of water form long distance into their cities.

Water is very important and essential for human existence and their water system are cherished and reliable even in harsh conditions because of these achievements. More research and extensive analysis of these structures like aquaduct can still help humanity to fight against drought, desertification and regular water supply for the animals and humans existence.


There still more to discuss about those men of old in terms of their music, lifestyle, security and morality which can strengthen and improve our modernity and prosperity.

Although their relics and artifacts are old, some research and findings from them have unique ways of telling us how they survive and lives which are really unique and better. We still need to learn more and improve on their skills and practices.

Thanks to the @leogrowth and our unique community, humanitas for this month prompts under the tag #octoberinleo. Please feel free to share your view on these prompts by reading the post concerning this month activities HERE.

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