Keep Your Distance Ruleset | Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge

Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life. Welcome to my Battle Mage Secrets post. In this post, I will talk about the Keep Your Distance Ruleset in more detail.

Keep Your Distance Ruleset

In battles with the Keep Your Distance ruleset, Monsters with Melee attack may not be used. In other words, Monsters with Magic attack or Ranged attack can be used. Additionally, Monsters with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.

It is quite effective to use Silence Ability, Void Ability, Void Armor Ability, Phase Ability and Magic Reflect Ability to counter magic attacks.

  • Phase Ability : Magic attacks may miss Monsters with Phase Ability. I would also like to point out that Magic Attacks hit all Monsters that do not have the Phase Ability.
  • Void Ability : Reduces damage from Magic attacks by 50% (Attack damage rounded up).
  • Void Armor Ability : Magic attacks hit the armor of a Monster with the Void Armor Ability before its Health. Magic attacks directly attack the main health of Monsters that do not have the Void Armor Ability.
  • Magic Reflect Ability : Monsters with the Magic Reflect Ability, when hit by Magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.
  • Silence Ability : Reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Units by 1.

These abilities are the main abilities that can be most effective against magic attacks, and when you use these abilities, you can make your strategy stronger by including certain abilities in your lineup as well. For example; Using Magic Reflect Ability and Amplify Ability, or Void Armor Ability + Repair Ability together will be very effective against magic attacks. (I will give more details below.)

  • Amplify Ability : Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy units by 1.
  • Repair Ability : Restores a third of max armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage.

It is quite effective to use Shield Ability, Headwinds Ability, and Return Fire Ability to counter ranged attacks.

  • Shield Ability : Reduces damage from Melee and Ranged attacks by 50%. (Attack damage rounded up)
  • Headwinds Ability : Reduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Units by 1 (but cannot reduce it to 0)
  • Return Fire Ability : Monsters with the Return Fire Ability, when hit by a Ranged attack, return half the damage (rounded up) back to their attacker. (damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up)

These abilities are the main abilities that can be most effective against ranged attacks, and when you use these abilities, you can make your strategy stronger by including certain abilities in your lineup as well. Giving extra armor to friendly monsters against ranged attacks will give your team an extra advantage in battles. To give extra armor to friendly monsters, you can use the Protect Ability or Summoners that grant armor. Additionally, if you want to repair armor, you can include the Repair Ability in your lineup. Also, using the Amplify Ability, which I explained above along with the Return Fire Ability, will increase the damage to ranged attackers by 1.

Some summoners you may want to use in battles with the Keep Your Distance Ruleset:

  • Sthispa grants all friendly Monsters the Phase Ability.
  • Immortalis grants the Void and Shatter abilities to all friendly Monsters while reducing the health of all enemy Monsters by 1.
  • Grandmasther Rathe grands +1 Armor, Void armor and Amplify abilities to all friendly Monsters
  • Ilthain grants Return Fire Ability and +1 Speed to all friendly Monsters
  • Obsidian grants all friendly Magic Attack Monsters +1 Magic Attack.
  • General Sloan grants all friendly Ranged Attack Monsters +1 Ranged Attack.
  • Quix the Devious reduces the ranged attack of all enemy Ranged Attack Monsters by 1 and the Speed of all enemy Monsters.
  • Thaddius Brood reduces the magic attack of all enemy Magic Attack Monsters by 1 and the Health of all enemy Monsters.

Above I only mentioned the Summoners in my deck, there are more Summoners in Splinterlands that grant similar abilities, you can check out the Splinterlands cards page to see them all.

Additionally, in battles with the Keep Your Distance Ruleset, many players, including me, include the Martyr Ability in their lineups. When a Monster with the Martyr Ability dies, adjacent Monsters get +1 to all stats. You can include the Dispel Ability in your lineup to clear all positive status effects on enemy monsters.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Silenced Summoners: Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
  • Even Stevens: Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.
  • Keep Your Distance: Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.


According to the rulesets of the battle, in this battle, only Monsters with even Mana costs can be used, Monsters with Melee attack may not be used and Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities. Therefore, Monsters with magic attack and/or ranged attack will be used in the battle, and I will determine my strategy accordingly.

First of all, I will choose Quix the Devious as the Summoner, and I guess that the opposing player will prefer magic attack monsters, so I will take care to use Void, Phase and Void Armor abilities in the front lines.

The continuation of the strategy and my team's lineup is as follows;


Since all Summoners are silenced in this battle, it is not very important which summoner we choose, but we still need to choose the summoner of the unit(s) we will use. Since I wanted to use both Dragon and Water unit Monsters, I chose Quix the Devious as the Summoner.


In the first position, I put Djinn Oshannus with Void Ability and Phase Ability. Djinn Oshannus is a Monster that can be very effective against magic attack monsters with its abilities and also has the chance to evade both magic attacks and ranged attacks. That's why I put it in the first position.

Position 2 : BAAKJIRA

In the second position, I put Baakjira with Void Ability, Slow Ability and Strengthen Ability. After Djinn Oshannus is destroyed, Baakjira will take the first position. I also took into consideration the possibility of Monsters with Snipe Ability on the opposing team. Baakjira doesn't have any attack power, but I'll put Berix Snakeye in the third position to grants it 3 ranged attacks.

Position 3 : BERIX SNAKEYE

In the third position, I put Berix Snakeye with Weapons Training Ability, Void Armor Ability and Oppress Ability. Berix Snakeye has both the Void Armor Ability and 7 armor. Additionally, its Weapons Training Ability will allow Baakjira to gain 3 ranged attacks. Additionally, thanks to the Oppress Ability, it will do double damage when attacking an enemy that has no attacks.

Position 4 : CHAOS DRAGON

In the fourth position, I put Chaos Dragon with Flying Ability, Scattershot Ability and Blast Ability. Chaos Dragon is a dragon that can be very effective in battles with its abilities, especially its Scattershot and Blast abilities make it much more effective. In addition to being effective in battles, Chaos Dragon is also very difficult to take precautions against it and has the power to disrupt the opponents' strategies. Chaos Dragon even ignores the Taunt Ability. The most important reason why I added Chaos Dragon to my team was that, in addition to its Blast Ability, it has the chance to attack the opposing team's backline.

Position 5 : SEA STALKER

In the fifth position, I put Sea Stalker with Snipe Ability and Camouflage Ability. Since Sea Stalker has the Snipe Ability, it will attack the opposing team's second position and I believed this could disrupt the opposing player's strategy.

In such battles, attacking the opposing teams' backline can be very effective, so I added Sea Stalker and Chaos Dragon to my team.

Position 6 : WAVE BROOD

In the last position, I put Wave Brood with Taunt Ability and Close Range Ability. The most important reason why I added Wave Brood to my team is that it has the Taunt Ability, and enemies will attack to destroy it first.

Finally, I would like to say that I adjusted the position of the Monsters according to their abilities and health.


Round 1

It is noteworthy that the Chaos Dragon and Djinn Oshannus on the opposing team are at level 3.

In the first round, all monsters hit their targets, but my team's high attack power enabled the opponent team's Wave Brood to be destroyed.

Round 2

In the second round, all Monsters except Sea Stalker and Riverboat Captain hit their targets, but the opposing team took more damage. Especially the attack of Chaos Dragon in my team was very impressive and hit Riverboat Captain and also caused Chaos Dragon and Kulu Swimhunter to take damage. In the second round, my team's Wave Brood was destroyed, while the monsters on the opposing team received serious damage.

Round 3

In the third round, Chaos Dragon's attack was especially brutal, hitting Kulu Swimhunter, destroying it and Riverboat Captain, and also causing Supply Runner to take 2 damage. Afterwards, Sea Stalker destroyed Supply Runner and Baakjira destroyed Djinn Oshannus on the opposing team. And there was only Chaos Dragon left in the opposing team, and it only had 5 health, which meant that it would be destroyed in the next round.

Round 4

In the fourth round, as a result of the attacks of Djinn Oshannus and Chaos Dragon, the opposing team's Chaos Dragon was also destroyed and my team managed to win the battle.

Although the mana cap of the battle was 58, it lasted only 4 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, 5 monsters on my team were still alive. Only Wave Brood was destroyed in my team, and since it had the Taunt Ability, it was normal for it to be destroyed early. I was intimidated by the fact that the opposing player had level 3 Quix the Devious, level 3 Djinn Oshannus and level 3 Chaos Dragon cards, however, the other monsters they chose were insufficient to win this battle. I'd say it was a pretty easy victory for my team, which shows that my strategy is working better. The fact that the opposing team did not have a strong defense, and I used the Phase Ability, Void Abilities, Void Armor Ability in my lineup, and Chaos Dragon's impressive attacks made it easier for my team to win the battle. This is exactly why, as I explained above, I prefer these and similar strategies in battles with the Keep Your Distance Ruleset.


All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

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