Proposal: HIVE ad campaign 2020 on BRAVE Browser

A short introduction to BRAVE

In case you haven't heard about BRAVE browser yet:


It's a chromium based web-browser, packed with privacy features and a build in crypto wallet.

When using Brave browser you can earn crypto tokens (BAT) while receiving ads from 3rd parties. Users can then choose to either reward their favorite content creators with those tokens or just keep them and do whatever they wish (like trading them on a market).

Sounds familiar right?
BRAVE and HIVE basically follow the same goals: rewarding content creators

Exploring the idea of HIVE Ads on BRAVE Browser

Let's assume we would be able to start a HIVE Ad-Campaign on BRAVE.
Why would this be a good idea?

  • HIVE could onboard new users and attract new investors
  • HIVE would get even more media attention, being the first community capable of starting a professional ad campaign, funded from it's own ecosystem
  • The user base is already interested in crypto in general, which makes it a perfect target group
  • Even better the user base already understood the concept of rewarding content creators with cryptocurrency but haven't discovered HIVE yet
  • Brave supports HiveSigner and Hive Keychain out of the box

How could it look like?

Brave uses notification system to bring ads to the user.


User Ads
All we have to do here is to create a fancy HIVE icon for notification, title and text for the ad. It's possible to create a whole range of different variants and target them on specific user groups.

Sponsored Images
As another option we could use the whole browser starting page in order to promote HIVE.
Just imagine how cool it would be to see share something like @nateaguila's awesome wallpaper embedded in BRAVE (link to original post).


The ad would redirect interested users into our frontends like:

Another option would be a redirect to or even creating a brand new landing page in order to welcome and onboard new user.

The details here on this should be discussed with the community and be in concensus with HIVE stakeholders, in case the proposal get's funded.

Proposal Details

The current minimum campaign spend requirement for Brave Ads is $2,500 per month.
Since HIVE doesn't own any $ we have to become a little bit creative here.

  • Period: 2020-05-18 to 2020-12-31
  • Daily amount: 200 HDB
  • Receiver: @hiveads
  • Minimum funding required: 6000 HDB

Scope of the proposal:

  • Targeted time frame for the ad campaign is the second half of 2020, starting on 2020-07-01
  • Targeted monthly budget for BRAVE ads is $5000 to $6000
  • Working out details for the ad campaign in the best interest of the community
  • Creating marketing material which will be used for the ad campaign
  • Setting up all legal contracts with BRAVE required for this ad campaign
  • Reporting and bookkeeping of all expenses for full transparency
  • All reports available about the campaign will be published
  • 90% of funds will go to BRAVE for covering the ads
  • 10% of funds will used as compensation for performing and management of this proposal for @roomservice and community members who contribute

Business requirements:
If any of the following goals aren't met, no campaign will be started and all funds (if any) will be refunded to the Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF):

  • Minimum funding requirement for at least one monthly budget won't be achieved
  • A professional, userfriendly and dead simple landing page for user onboarding is available
    • Community will deceide if those requirements are fulfilled for candidates using dPoll
  • A professional, userfriendly and dead simple create-account page for user onboarding is available
    • Community will deceide if those requirements are fulfilled for candidates using dPoll

Want to see this happening?

In case you wan't to support this idea, just throw your vote at this proposal:

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