
I am really pleased to be part of this wonderful topic of discussion

As an African I hail from Nigeria.

As a sincere citizen of my country Nigeria, if I'm given the opportunity to be the president of my country nigeria for a day, I wish to work on three major things for the better improvement of my country. Although there are so many things to be worked on in nigeria but to my thought I guess this three thing are mostly important.

The following are the three major things I would love to work on or change if given the president for a day and these includes;

  • The educational system in Nigeria.
  • Good and very accessible roads.
  • I will also touch the area of Hospitals.

Firstly, I as the president for of my country, I will fist of all look into that aspect of our education system.
As good citizen of Nigeria who have been down this part, I have noticed that my country Nigeria are lacking behind when it comes to do with good education system. I also realized that because of the poor education system we have, it results to the citizens of Nigeria leaving the country to else where just to gain quality education.

As a president of Nigeria,In other to work on Nigeria educational system, I will start by looking for an environment that will be conducive for learning, build comfortable classes for learning, get good teaching aids, build a well standard library for the students, employ well qualified teachers and lots more that will aid in the improvement of education system in Nigeria and also see to it that the perpetual on going strike rate will be reduced and hence see to it with immediate effect that all needs of the Nigerian students and board of directors in control of the nigeria universities will be attend to.

Furthermore, there is also another important thing I will like to change, which is the aspect of Good roads.
I noticed that we Nigerians are suffering a lot from bad road.
When it comes to transportation of human, goods and services, in Nigeria we fine it difficult to move freely without stress.
As a president of Nigeria, in other to ensure that I make transportation easy for my citizens,
I can extra miles to make sure I get qualified constructors with good and enough equipments to construct good and comfortable road for my citizens.
Me going extra miles is making sure that this set goal will be achieved.

It will interest you to know that when our roads are in sharp and working well transportation will



Last but not the list, one very important factor I will love to change in my country is the aspect of hospitals.
Truthfully speaking, you will agree with me in this one that all round the country there is severe lack in the aspect of hospitals.
I forder noticed that in Nigeria hospitals, the cost of treatment is very high and we have very few and I neffective facilities for treatment, no qualified doctors to attend to sick patients will also leads to lost of most lives in the hospitals.
Gone are those day where Africans believed in herbs but due to 21st century modernization we turn to medical treatment, which I have noticed is still not helping the Nigerian.
As a president of my country, I will ensure that standard hospitals are built, qualified doctors are been employed, good facilities are brought go the hospital and also reduce to cost of treatment so that every citizens can get proper treatment in Nigeria hospitals..

In summary, as a president I must make sure I put the interest of my citizen first before mine for there is a say: A good name is better than wealth.

I submit by say thank you to my viewers and all those who will vote my post.
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