PRO Map - More Details


We thought it was about time we revealed some more details about the upcoming "PRO map" extension to Rising Star!

The Biggie

One thing we had to confirm was possible is something we are very excited about:

Card Levelling!

As you can see from the image above there is an arrow and a number against specific NFT numbers. These NFTs have been levelled up and the level is stored on chain in the NFT data!

We have been working closely with NFTMart to make sure they can support card levels and they have informed us that it will require quite a lot of work but they should be able to do it.
This means you will be able to buy and sell levelled up PRO cards on the market!

Yeah OK, but why do we need to level them up?

Going PRO


Once you reach a certain point in the game (don't worry you won't have to complete all of map 4!) you will be given the opportunity to GO PRO!
You will have a decision to make. If you GO PRO then none of your PRO cards will be available for missions on the current maps and will only be used for PRO missions. Once you have decided there will be no going back so make sure you have thought it through, being a PRO is hard work!

PRO Map Features

We are still working on the finer details but here is how it is going to work:

  • As a PRO you will have a roster of artists and you will create bands/solo artists using a similar interface to the current band management page but using only PRO cards.

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Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 14.38.13.png

  • You will need to level up your PRO cards for them to be eligible to be in a professional band.
  • Each artist you manage can release singles into the charts.
  • To release a single you will need to carry out a certain number of missions to get the single ready such as (subject to change): studio recording, vinyl printing and distribution, digital streaming submission, PR tour.
  • Once you have carried out the required missions for a particular artist you will be able to release their single
  • The single will enter the charts at a level determined by a mixture of your artists overall level, the number of PR Tour missions you ran and some randomness.
  • Every day the chart will be updated and as singles get older they will begin to slip down the chart.
  • There will be a new reward pool which will pay out to the player of each single based on their chart position.
  • Players can have more than one single in the charts by releasing singles from multiple artists in their roster but will have to carry out the required missions for each single.

We hope you like what you see and we are happy for any feedback as we still working on the details so you may be able to influence the way the PRO Map works.

Cheers and rock on \m/
Jux and The Gang.

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