The Sanctuary: Chapter 33


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Chapter 33

The moment Dylan returned to his friends he was greeted with cheers.

"Nice one ma boi!" fatty Jing shamelessly hug his friend while bathing in the limelight.

"Get off me, you damn fatty!" Dylan grumbled.

"Why so shy? Let me bath in your limelight!" the fatty countered.

Everyone: """"Shameless!""""

While the students of Tanhausser are throwing jokes, the students from Toro, Lett, and Melrose are gritting their teeth in frustration. Seeing Dylan's one-sided victory, they are again reminded of the difference in ability.

"He couldn't have noticed that fast, right?" questioned a teacher from Toro academy.

"I think that's exactly the case," another teacher answered.

"Then does that mean the plan's useless now?" asked the first teacher.

"No. Not all participants from Tanhausser are as strong as that monster. The plan can still work," explained the second teacher.

At a certain VIP seat...

"It seemed that he noticed," Tanhausser's vice principal breath out a sigh of relief after seeing the outcome of the first match.

"Indeed. But it'll be hard to replicate what he did. The matches will be much intense from here on." Tanhausser's principal replied.


As the Tanhausser's academy predicted, the match did become more intense, especially when faced against Tanhausser's main participants.

The students from the three schools seemed to have gone crazy as they unleashed their abilities without holding back, ignoring all possible danger.

Meanwhile the main participants from other schools are experiencing a vast different treatment as their opponents besides that from Tanhausser will either fight half-heartedly or will downright surrender before the fight can even start. It was as if they're afraid that these participants will waste energy or get hurt.

This happened so many times that even the audience and netizens started noticing the participants strange behaviour.

"What the hell are those particpants from Toro, Lett and Melrose doing? How come they're performing so poorly?" asked a male audience.

"Oh? So you noticed too? I thought I'm just seeing things," a guy seated besides him replied.

"I'll be blind if I couldn't see something so obvious," the first guy answered.

In the virtual world.

"How sloppy!" complained netizen A.

"Are they ganging up on Tanhausser or something? Everytime they fought with Tanhausser, they fought like the participants from Tanhausser murdered their parents, stole their lovers, and burned down their houses! Yet, when fighting someone against the main participants from Toro, Lett, or Melrose, they are threating them like there ancestors!" netizen B exclaimed as he explained what he had noticed.

"So shameless!" cut in netizen C.

Toro academy's VIP seats.

"Principal, it seemed both the audience and netizens noticed our plan. The comments from the netizens are especially scathing," a staff from Toro academy reported.

"Ignore them. Unless they have evidence of our collaboration with Lett and Melrose, all they could do is speculate," answered Toro's principal nonchalantly.


Despite the scathing comments and complaints from the audience and netizens, the committee members of the competition did not do or say anything. Like the principal from Toro academy said, without evidence everything is mere speculation.

Nonetheless, the lackluster performance from the Toro, Lett, and Melrose did earn them the ire of the audience—receiving countless boos from them.

Yet the students from the said schools could only lower their heads in shame. And though unwilling they continued to fulfill the orders from their schools higher ups.

But as the battle rages, Mark, a member of Tanhausser's main team was seriously injured by a student from Melrose academy's almost suicidal attack. Both students suffered serious injuries that they were rushed to the coliseum's infimary. Unfortunately, due to the seriousness of their injuries, the two are forced to forfeit from the competition altogether.

"They,'ve done it now!" fatty Jing gritted his teeth in an attempt to control his rage.

"So they are willing to go this far, huh?" Dylan's face was emotionless but the raging fire in his eyes terrified the people around him.

"I think it's time to stop holding back. Since they decided to play dirty, we should retirn the favor." even the usually calm and composed Dianne was enraged.

"Dianne..." Luz wanted to say something but decided to hold her tongue.

Vivian looked at the three and sighed. "What are you guys planning?" she asked.

"That's obvious class rep. An eye for an eye!" fatty exclaimed coldly.

"Don't over do it,"

Knowing that he could not stop her classmates and teammates, Vivian could only advice them not to go too far.

"Please relax, class rep, we know our limits."

Dylan looked at Vivian and assured her. Despite his anger, Dylan had not lost his cool and knew that they must not fall to their levels.

"Captain?" Dylan faced the Dexter, a third year and the main team's captain.

"Do what you think is right but don't over do it," Dexter replied.

Understanding how his schoolmates and teammates feel, Dexter had no plan to stop them. He too was angered by their opponents action and have no plan to hold back.

The students from Taunhausser academy are not the only ones writhing in anger, even the teachers and staffs are. Some hot-blooded teacher, including Dylan class' coach confront the teachers from Melrose, only to received the reply, "accidents and injuries happened in competitions a lot. Why are you blaming us for it?"

Such reply angered the teachers and staffs more but was stopped by the coach.

"Is that your reply? Accidents and injuries happened in competitions you say? Very well!"

The coach left the teacher from Melrose academy after saying those cryptic words. He is quickly followed by the other teachers and staffs but not before giving the said teacher the dirty look.

While waiting for his next match, Dylan's school badge sounded. It was a message from the coach telling him to do what he must be done.

"We have permission from coach," Dylan looked at fatty Jing, Vivian and his other classmates after putting away his school badge.

Fatty Jing anfd the others nodded, even Vivian did not say anything. Since the coach said to do whatever they liked, Vivian did not plan to become a sour puss.

The said message from the coach is like a death sentence for the three schools. This was witnessed on next matches.

True to his words, Dylan did not held back his punches and beat the living daylight out of his opponent—a seeded competitor from Toro academy.

Dylan was so brutal that the said student wasn't even able to surrender before he was unceremoniously kicked out of the stage unconscious. The poor chap was then rushed towards the infirmary, and after receiving a thorough check up was deemed unfit to compete becuase if his injuries.

Dylan's action received endless complaints from Toro academy only to receive a cold reply from the committee that their complaints have no basis, telling them that accidents and injuries are part of the competition. Even the referees made comments that Dylan had broken no rule—leaving the complainants speeechless.

Unfortunately for them, Toro academy will not be the only victim of Tanhausser's vengeance. The same results followed the next matches. None of the competitors from the three schools left the stage conscious and uninjured.

Of course the matches are not always one-sided, Tanhausser academy suffered many injuries as well but most of the injured are outside the main team. This due to the fact that Tanhaussers substitutes are attacking their opponents without caring if they can compete in tomorrow's group matches. These students seemed happy as long as they could take down as many of the opposing schools participants.

Tanhausser's crazy actions and terrifying momentum left the audience and netizens speechless.

"They've gone crazy...."

"How terrifying."

"W-what sort of craziness is this?"

Due to Tanhausser's terrifying momentum, the other schools suffered almost the same amount of injured players despite being outnumbered 3 to 1.

Seeing the competition devolved into such a state, the head of the committee ordered an early break for the matches and summoned the higher ups of the four schools.

to be continued


Chapter 32 / Chapter 34


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