The Sanctuary: Chapter 27


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Chapter 27

A day passed after the duel. Though there are still people talking about it most people inside the sanctuary went on with their daily routine. But this is normal if one think about it. The duel is just between unknown student after all. The news of the duel did not extend outside the Sanctuary as well, no one was allowed to publicized the result of the duel and no videos are uploaded to the virtual world.

The reason for this is to protect the integrity of the schools and the students involved. Of course something good do come out of it. For example the principal of the 56th academy entered the sanctuary several hours after the duel and personally apologized for their school's students behaviour. Aside from the apology, the principal also offered compensations for the affected students. Thanks to his quick reaction the conflict between schools subsided greatly.

Another news of note was that Enzo had left the Sanctuary right after the duel. He also withdraw from school and was no longer a student of 56th academy for obvious reasons.

Meanwhile inside a.certain cafeteria, a young man and a young woman are currently having a conversation. This two young people are no other than Dylan and Dianne.

"I see so that's what happened."

Hearing that Enzo left the Sanctuary and withdraw from school, Dylan merely shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't care what Enzo or the Norgan did after the duel.

"Are you not worried that they'll go after you?" Dianne asked while playing with a cup of tea.

"Not really. They can't touch my family or my friends back on Earth anyway. As for the trouble that'll ensue once I graduated and entered the Sanctuary, I could handle it as long as none from the older generation interfered." Dylan smiled as he answered.

Nodding her head slightly Dianne accepted Dylan's explanation. There is an unwritten rule between experts of the Earth. That rule stated that none fron the older generations are allowed to interfere between the conflicts of those from the younger generations. This unwritten law was made to protect the younger generations from the older generations. After all if the older generations are allowed to do what they pleased, wouldn't Earth lose future experts that could fight demon beast?

Due to this reason Dylan acted unbriddled during the duel. Because even if he killed Enzo during the duel, the seniors from the Norgan clan could only grit their teeth in hatred. Of course this also meant that he must endure the unrelenting assault from the juniors of the Norgan clan. Anyway, Enzo was just another member from the Norgan clan and clans like that have their own internal struggles as such his conflict with him mostly extends to Enzo's close relatives.

"You should still be careful though." Dianne gently warned.

"Don't worry, I won't be complacent."

Dylan does not want Dianne to worry as such he tried to comfort her with his words. The two then switched subject of conversation and had a pleasant chat.

"What's taking that guy? Does he not know that is not nice to keep people waiting?"

Fatty Jing looked outside the building obviously waiting for someone.

"Please don't worry about it Mr.Jing. My arrival here is unexpected and Mr. Dylan doesn't know about it." said a girl with beautiful black hair. This girl was no other than the girl named Yuki, the same girl who was accompanying the old, bald-headed, and white-bearded Sendoh.

Sighing, fatty Jing took a peek at the black-haired beauty sitting comfortably on the sofa inside the lounge. She arrived 30 minutes ago and was looking for Dylan. Fatty Jing doesn't know what she wanted from Dylan. And from the earlier conversation, he could tell that she and Dylan doesn't know each other.

"Damn! Why are all the pretty girls looking for Dylan?" Ed complained.

"Yeah, it's just unfair." agreed a guy named Marco.

"I really don't know what so especial about him!" Kurt exclaimed tearfully.

"Um!" Nod the quiet Walter.

This conversation was done in a hushed tone between Dylan's male classmates. When they saw the beautiful girl earlier they were dumbstruck by her beauty. That's because her looks are no way inferior to Dianne! But what truly surprised them is that this beauty was looking for Dylan!

"You guys are pathetic! Why are you acting like you've never seen a beautiful girl before?" Nami said with disdain.

"Sigh. Why am I in the same team as these guys?" Ciel added.

"So disgusting!" Helen looked at the four with disgust.

"Alright stop that you three! And can you four not ogle her too much?" Vivian said, trying to appease her classmates.

Having been reprimanded by their class representative, the seven students stopped arguing.

"But class rep, aren't you wondering who she is and why she's looking for Dylan?" Nami asked.

"I am curious but that's between her and Dylan. We shouldn't stick our noses where it doesn't belong." answered Vivian.

"Uh... that's true." They agreed.

Not long after Dylan arrived accompanied by Dianne. Fatty Jing rushed towards them and asked, "what took you two so long? So did you two enjoyed the date?"

Dianne blushed because of fatty Jing's teasing while Dylan frown obviously unpleased by fatty.

"Stop speaking nonsense!" he reprimanded.

"Psshh! What nonsense? Anyone with eyes can see what you're doing! Anyway, a girl's waiting for you, you bastard!"

Fatty Jing ignored Dylan's denial and instead pointed at the black-haired Yuki who stood up and walked towards them.

"Hm? I don't know her? You said she's waiting for me?" Dylan frowned.

Dianne looked at the beautiful black-haired girl. She find her familiar but couldn't remember her name.

"Hello Mr. Dylan. My name is Kirihara Yuki but you could just call me Yuki."

Yuki slightly bowed towards Dylan and introuduced herself. She then extend a hand towards Dylan. Dylan took the hand and the two exchanged a handshake. Dylan expected to be silky soft and smooth but to his surprise it was actaully rough.

"This girl is strong!"

Dylan could tell that this girl Yuki got her rough hand from intense training, most likely from using a sword countless times. Though she there's no calluses the rougness prove this.

"Hi, I'm Silva Dylan. You can also just call me Dylan. What can I do for you Miss Yuki?" He asked.

"My master sent me here, he wanted to personally meet you." Yuki explained.

Dylan grew more confused, so he asked, "who is your master? And why does he want to meet me?"

"My master name is Kawasaki Sendoh. He wanted to meet you because he is curious about you." she said with a smile.

"Kawasaki Sendoh?"

Dylan found the name familiar. He's pretty sure he had heard of the name before.

"The Shadow Sword! Now I remember why you seemed familiar!" Dianne exclaimed after remembering Yuki.

It happened on a certain party 3 years ago. She met her along with her master the Kawasaki Sendoh, who is also known by his moniker the "Shadow Sword"!

"What the Shadow Sword!"

Dylan and fatty Jing exclaimed at the same time. Who haven't heard of the lustrous moniker of "Shadow Sword"? Kawasaki Sendoh is currently one of the nine Lvl 7 Blessed in the entire world— a 600 years old legend. That's right the "Shadow Sword" is already 600 years old!

"It's been a while too Miss Dianne. I apologized for not greeting you sooner." Yuki smiled and bowed towards Dianne.

"No it's not your fault. I didn't recognized you earlier as well." Dianne accepted the greetings.

"Please don't worry about it, Miss Dianne. How about we catch up later?" Yuki suggested.

"That's good too. Let's do that." Dianne agreed.

"How about it Mr. Dylan would you like to meet my master?"

Yuki extend another invitation towards Dylan. Dylan on the other hand did not hesitate and agreed. "I'll be my honor."

"Let's continue the conversation later." he said to Dianne.

"Dianne smiled and agreed, "okay."

Yuki saw this and was surprised but did not say anything. Nonetheless her interest in Dylan grew.

After saying goodbye to Dianne and his classmates, Dylan followed Yuki to meet the legendary "Shadow Sword".

to be continued


Chapter 26 / Chapter 28


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