Wild Plot Wednesdays #16: Tiny Hero


Konnichiwa minna! So for today, I'm going to share a plot about an unconventional mc who has an impractical ability. He wasn't really the usual mc who trains hard to get a power-up because he just accepted his ability as it is—but of 'course a character development is bound to happen. He grew up surrounded with people who spited his weakness, but surely his suffering was bound to end as soon as he stepped into independence and adulthood. So be with me for awhile as I share with you the story of a tiny man with big potential. Enjoy!



Born with an ability to make himself and the things he touched small, Hiro was often humiliated by people around him because of his seemed weak ability. He was the constant butt of the cruel pranks and jokes of not only his peers but as well as his own family. Due to that, he grew up being a timid and unconfident man.

He tried everything to meet his family's expectations, but he never really got close with them. That's why on his 21st birthday, he planned to leave their house and decided to live the rest of his life in solitude away from his harsh situation. But before he could leave their house, something happened.



Chaos erupted as the neighboring nation of giants attacked them. Seeing the current chaos they're in, Hiro hesitated if it's the right time to leave his family. However, he already made up his mind, so he silently slipped out of their house and ventured alone through the woods that would lead him to the next village. The few minutes of his lone walk went smoothly, but after crossing the thorny briars, he heard loud thudding sounds.

It's a giant! The giant saw him, and before he could react, the giant grabbed him and put him inside its mouth. He immediately snapped out and made himself small, thus avoiding the enormous teeth that's about to crush him. He was desperate to get out of the mouth, so he took out his sword and started hacking the insides of the giant's mouth. The giants there can't be affected by any physical attack from outside, but their insides were extremely vulnerable.



He continued hacking the mouth of the giant until it passed out in pain. He transformed again into his original size and got out by cutting open the giant's mouth—and that's how his new life started—a life of the emerging "Tiny Hero".

The picture that didn't have a source was edited in Canva.

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