Challenge Accepted (Most Memorable SPL Moment)

Challenge Accepted

(Most Memorable SPL Moments)

Every week the Splinterlands team issues a Social Media Challenge. This weeks challenge stood out to me as I never seen it asked before. What is the challenge? The Answer: [Splinterlands Team Quote]Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments. Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING! [End Quote]. I have a number of things that come to mind and I will touch on each one briefly. Have a memorable moment of your own? Feel free to share your experience in the comment section below.

Flipping A GFL Legendary

I been apart of the Splinterlands game since the very start. I had cards when there wasn't a game to play or a market to rent them on. This is intriguing due to the fact I am not the typical card playing type. In fact I have never played a game that involved cards that didn't include a deck of 52 (regular playing cards) before being introduced to Splinterlands. Pokemon (Never played it) Digimon (Never played that either). So how did I get hooked? How did the Splinterlands founders/team manage to catch my attention? First off I can remember @aggroed going post to post introducing the game. His comment on my post and others is what first caught my attention. Next I did research and decided to take a leap of faith to get involved with the game. I figured I'd purchase the $50 Kickstarter package and that will be that. What changed my mind? Why did I invest much more than I initially intended? I wholeheartedly think it was the fact that I managed to flip a GFL Dragon in my first ever purchased pack. I still have that GFL in my collection to this day.

Creating A Stable

In regards to card playing; I come from a poker background and in poker there are business/ventures known as stables. These stables have poker players in them known as horses. These players play poker using the stables (investors) money based on a rev share split. So I had this idea in mind early on to do the same with Splinterlands but how? I brainstormed with a fellow Splinterlands player on discord and a general idea came to mind. I did my best to implement it but in truth I was new to running such a thing and trying to do so with a game such as Splinterlands made the twist and turns more interesting. I could have done a much better job at running it and improving the decks but for a person who had no clue about these type of card games I like to think everyone who joined the stable and stuck around for a few months made some nice ROI and/or a nice stack of Reward Cards. This stable in large is the reason for my personal card collection being massively composed of early Reward Cards. I ran this for a handful of years and likely a year or two longer than I should have but in the end its one of the things that sticks out most about my journey here with Splinterlands. I still interact with some of these Stable players to this day. Who knows one day I might create another and hopefully with the knowledge I gained about these type of games and running a stable I'll be able to do a better job at it next time.

The NFT Craze

When the NFT craze hit a couple years back our Splinterland cards and assets boomed. DEC was running amuck well above the $1/1000 peg value Splinterlands accepts it at. Of course the now finished SPS airdrop helped allot with that as DEC gave airdrop points valued at a ratio of 1:1 (2:1 if you had them in a pool). While I'm not money fixated as evident of me being a long time holder I will say that it was amazing to see the USD worth that some of these cards were routinely trading for. It was a sight like no other, it seemed as if we were witnessing something amazing if not great. The Splinterlands game showed the power of play2earn and how it can change peoples lives. More than a handful of players who kept their faith in the game and invested their time and money seen their Splinterland assets reach values of over One Million USD. Many others made bank as well with testimonies stating purchases of big ticket items (using the profit earned from the game/games assets), such as a new car. It was a great moment in time; not just for my over-all Splinterlands journey but in life in general and something I will never forget.


Gold Dragon Lore

There is only one living Golden Dragon, and he presides over the great Dragon Congress. His magic and armor are the greatest, and only the Hydra has put his mettle to the test. Suam Khepri, the leader of the united Gloridax, is always on the lookout for the next Gold Dragon, which prophecy says will hatch in these times. Lore taken from the official Splinterlands site. My affiliate link:

  • Team Quote Taken From @splinterlands official blog
  • Screenshots taken from Splinterlands official site


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