I choose to write about this Anecdote I got from school, because it is something that stuck to me while being in the school premises to the extent that I felt ashamed sometimes to come to school and some other times, to leave the class being fully aware of what would happen by the moment I leave the classroom. So in this article I am going to be telling you all about this anecdote I got from school, how I coped with it and also how I eventually overcame it, so stay tuned!

While in my mid High school at NINLAN Demonstration Secondary School in SS1, I faced one of the fierce anecdotes I have ever faced from school. This was when I started a new session in the school and it was my first day to join my mates in the classroom but on entering the classroom, the students there started to make great rough uproar of laughter.

I was popular in school and usually when I enter the classroom, my classmates do make little noise in order to welcome me or hail me but this time it was a way different because they made a different noise which was indeed a great uproar. I wondered why the uproar was made but couldn’t figure it out on my own, so I managed to find a way to my seat which was at the back of the classroom but still the uproar was not decreasing, so I endeavored to find an answer to question on my mind.


I turned to a friend of mine who was also my seat mate named Obinna to ask why the uproar was made and to my greatest surprise it was because of my new school trousers, they saw it as being so tight in my laps and legs that they could not hold the laughter within them, making them to blurt out the uproar. To me I felt that it was normal for them to feel that way bearing in mind that it was their own thinking about the dress as I felt that it was okay and not that tight-fitted to my laps and legs. But unknown to me, they were already planning to give me a nickname if I wore it to school the next day.

The next day, I prepared for school hoping to wear the same trouser to school. I entered into the school premises without having any thoughts about the trouser in mind, but it wasn’t until I met my Chemistry teacher, Mrs Blessing who laughed on seeing me, telling me that my trousers were so tight to me that it had made her day great, she laughed and left. I felt ashamed though but I couldn’t do anything at th moment to correct the problem so I went to my classroom. On entering the classroom, another uproar came, but this time they all were shouting a particular name which seems so funny, that name was SKINNY JEANS.

I smiled and went to my seat to sit down and the noise reduced soon after the English teacher entered the classroom, while in the English class, I was asked a question by the teacher and when I was about to stand and make a comment or give an answer regarding the question that I was asked, all the students started to hailing sound of Skinny Jeans, echoing it and laughing at the same time, the English teacher tried to stop them which they eventually stopped but didn’t try to find out what they meant by that, I made the answer and sat them feeling embarrassed.

During the break period I tried to hold some conversations with some of my classmates regarding social media but there was this particular classmate of mine called Chibuike, he didn’t allow me to make any single contribution to the topic that was discussed instead he will tell me, “Skinny bobo, who was the tailor that sewed your trouser? He needs to be arrested, he really knows how to sew trousers well” after making such comments, the class would laugh at the top of their voices leaving me to deal with the embarrassment alone.

But then, among all these classmates of mine was this close friend of mine, Izuchukwu, instead of laughing with them, he came to me and asked me why I was wearing that kind of trouser, I told him I sewed it newly and that it wasn’t that tight to me that was wearing it, but he made me understand that it was tight for them that are looking at it. He told me not to mind the class and their laughter as they taunted me and my trouser in front of the classroom. Izuchukwu made me to understand what having a real friend meant, he really proved o be a real friend to me at those moments as these taunting took months.

I met with my tailor and explained the whole situation to him, nut he really didn’t have much to say or do regarding the whole situation but he took the trouser and expanded it a little which didn’t seem to help much though leaving me with the only option of changing the trouser.

At home I thought about the option of changing the trouser to a more suitable one but then, I realized that I could not sew a new trouser because I had wasted all my money on spending time with my neighbors at the restaurant the last week which included my savings and thereby being broke or bankrupt. This anecdote made me to learn the quality of self-control, this is because when I cultivate that quality, it will help me to be able to know when to spend and when to save money in order for me to have some little savings for times of distress such as this particular one of sewing a new trouser. So I started to develop that quality and then I started to save money little by little hoping that by the next session I would be able to sew a new trouser which would fit me better than that one.

Well, I coped or managed the situation at school by not proving to be ignorant to the things that was said about I and my trouser in the school because it really spread everywhere to the extent that on entering the school, the gatemen would start to laugh and tell me how they loved the trouser, but by trying to the extent possible to explain myself to those saying it and also telling them of my plan of getting a new one by the next session.

Before the next session I was able to save up some little money which I used to sew a new suitable trouser. During the next session, when I entered the class they all started to applaud me, telling me that I am now a man and no more a Skinny Jeans.

In conclusion, even though I am not being called by the nick name Skinny Jeans, I think it really have shaped me into knowing the right trouser to sew, and also most importantly, to always think more about finance, that is, to always save a little amount of money for future expenses.

Thank you your time and I hope you all would learn the lesson of finance portrayed here.

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