Study and Learning Techniques I Follow

Hello and Everyone

This is an interesting topic we have today to discuss and related to learning and study techniques. We all love at some point, and I think this is very important for all of us. No matter what you do, you always have the opportunity to learn something new, which is important. Learning is important because, with step-by-step learning, we turn out to be even better at work. Like I have already mentioned it does not matter what work you do but learning can make us even better at it.


I am a slow learner and I need more time to understand the basic concepts. People are very good at it and they learn things in just one attempt but I'm not that kind of learner. I am a consistent learner who doesn't give up unless understand everything about it but the process can be long for me. Sometimes the people who explain to me get irritated because I am a slow learner and I also ask many questions. I don't care what others think about it and I also don't shy from asking questions. Asking questions is an important part of learning and it also shows that you are interested in the topic. So for example you are going through the learning process or maybe you are in a training class but you are not asking questions then probably you are not attentive. Nobody can learn everything in just one goal and even if you can learn then also there is room for questioning. By asking questions we get to know more about it and I follow this technique.

This is my way of learning where I do not rush to finish it faster and I also ask a lot of questions as per my understanding. I also believe that we should learn things like a child as they ask so many questions. They don't care what others are thinking about them and this is the best part about learning I can say that this is also one of the best techniques for rulers. This does not work when you are reading a book but surely works when you are in an online session or in a physical class where you are going through some training. I still learn many things and for example, I have learned a lot about this platform in the last few years.


It was tough in the beginning because I was not at all part of such an environment but now I know many things. Still, I believe that there is a lot to learn from me and that will take years. By the time I'll be able to grab that information things will be going to the next level so this way my learning journey will always be on. Nobody is perfect in terms of knowledge so no matter how much knowledgeable you are there are so many things that you are not even aware of. There should be no ego of knowledge and if it is there then it's not a good thing. I believe in learning and also knowledge sharing so whatever I know I'm happy to share and if I don't know something then I just don't talk about it because I don't know and sharing wrong information is never a good idea.

So to summarise my technique for study and learning I can say that I take time to learn but I try to grab the most possible knowledge. Questioning is another part that I follow and whenever I feel like I have some doubt I don't hesitate to ask even if the person does not like it. The basic concept about sharing information is ready for questioning and if somebody is not having that attitude then he is not a good trainer. This is a practical example and I hope people follow this because if you are sharing some information you cannot expect everyone to understand in one go without even asking a question. Although in every session at the end of the session, we get the time for the questioning and this is a standard process followed by the trainer to allow the audience to solve their questions. By the way, what are your study and learning techniques that you follow?

This is my participation post for Initiative: April Monthly Prompt

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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