Business : Understanding The Risks Associated With Credit Sales

All over the world is being well plained that means of transportation can only get frictionable through the use of petroleum products. Mainly petrol also diesel for the heavy duty trucks. In the situation whereas the price on those petroleum finished products become relatively high . Then how-would the people manage to move from source to any desired-destination.

Moreso , the presence situation in this very Country is what that many might fade up with but won't able to do anything. Because only government said can handle the situation.

Ever since subsidy removal on fuel there has been serious increase on the price of fuel across federating states in the Country.

Due to such high price on fuel , all an existing consumables products and goods as well as-services have been added prices .

Presently there are serious high prices on all available goods , that have outrightly contributed onto the fold up of some businesses. While same are managing to succeed.

Now is quite plained that an information plays a front role , mostly kind of vital information relating to certain area or field.

Here I want to relates more closely on this.

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Credit Sales

Globally everyone is being quite familiar with trade terms such as buying on cash and buying on credit.

Truth is both trade terms are basically vital , but one of it is capable for taking the potential trading business to an excellent success . While the other one is capable of bringing the concern business to total bankrupt situation , with no success count in business at all.

So before I dive on my main concentration for this write up. I would briefly touch either selling on cash or buying on cash. So , buying on cash or cash sale is all about an exchange of consumer goods with an instant payment of those selected stuffs by the buyer.

Upon that , when a particular trader do focus only on an instant payment transaction in direct relation to an exchanges of goods and possible services . Such business often bound to succeed if the owner is capable to manage the business funds.

Credit Sale :
This has to involve with a particular costumers being solicit for an exchange of choice goods with no ability to carryout direct and instant payment instead more indeed as booking down to pay sooner or later depending on personal condition on the side of the buyer.

Reality should be that , since most human beings are not trustworthy and faithful . If you as a business owner or trader use your goods to trade on credit is quite certain that if those buying from you on credit don't return their payment as agreed . Till your capital is largely affected is not good at all , it's won't warrant you success in your trading business endeavoring . If you continue making sales on credit.

Reason Trader's Trade On Credit

There are so many reasons most trader do entertaining credit sales . Some do involve and carry out sale on credit to his or her customers due to other people advise. Though some do carryout sale on credit as direct regards to the following seen as personal desire to have more customers , an intention to sale up old stock , empathy traits , inadequate trading knowledge among others .

The harsh economy state of a Nation is also kind of deadly enemy to some unrooted businesses. As well as those kind of business owner with inadequate trading knowledge ,capable to bring them needed result and corresponding success in business endeavoring.

Though I evaluate upon thinking out those key reasons behinds credit sale . And I intent to write on them expansively on a fresh write up.

But here , nevertheless I would still relate on them .

Most newly set up business due to kind of personal desired by the owner can chose to trade both cash and credit , mainly so as to on board more potential customer's.

So do the business that have been with so much old stock , such an intention to sale up the given old stock . Could possibly lead the business owner or trader to involve on credit sale to speed up the stock involved to be directly out.

While some trader or business owner can be making credit sales to their customers due to kind of personal emotions . When trying to sense and understand the buyer soliciting for credit sale and couldn't turn down than to sale it for him or her , to come and pay later as might agreed.


Reality should be that , whenever as a trader or business owner did actually desire to involve on credit sales . Then you should try as much as possible to have book keeping .


Book keeping is the kind of recording note keep by a business owner or trader to have all his or her daily sales recorded.

Most especially any goods sold or sale on credit with no instant payment , instead seen the potential buyer soliciting to pay later.

Such goods sold on credit most have proper nature of record , to avoid an argument when trying to collect your 💰 money .

Risk associated the direct and indirect risks associated with the credit sales , is that those concerns business owner or trader do lost lots of 💰 money if not taking and keeping proper and accurate debtors book for - record purpose.

Fact is that any goods bought on credit , directly designate the credit buyer to become a debtor for the seller or trader .

Of which it directly brings about needs for debtors book keeping record.


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