My human gifts

Humans are nature's gift, having those who cherish you and stand by you in any condition you might be in is the real gift anyone can wish for. No one can live alone no matter how strict you might think you are, there are times in your life when you will need people to talk to, you will need a shoulder to lean on and this is when you will appreciate the gift of human. I have always tried to appreciate and keep good people who made positive impacts on my life close to me because one way or the other, I will need them in my journey in life. This is why it is said that "do not take anyone for granted nor look down on anyone". That person you think you don't need might be your savior tomorrow, and this is why we must remember to do unto others what we would like them to do unto us.

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Growing up as a child I love participating in beauty pageant competitions in my school. If I exclude myself from all activities, I always try to participate in the beauty contest and I have my friends then to thank for this. As a child, I felt shy to do almost everything but I have two friends that are always on my neck and always pushing me to do those things I'm shy to do. I can say they were the ones that made me love participating in beauty contests. Both of them always encouraged me to go for it and they believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I can say I owe them an appreciation for what they did for me then because it contributed to the woman I've grown into.

One of them is named Stella, while the other is named Ifeoluwa (God's love) so most times we call her "love". These are the first gifts I received in human form, they are always there to give me a head-up, a pageant contest was to be held when I was in primary four and I was to participate. At some point, an inferiority complex set in for me as one of the girls I was to compete against was more beautiful than I was, I had already concluded that I could not win the contest with the girl participating in it. I no longer practice well nor do I put my efforts into it anymore, I already gave up but Stella and Ife did not. They gave me the support and the words of encouragement that I needed at that point.

"You are going for this, and you are winning it", Ife said one afternoon during our short break. I looked so confused and heartbroken because I already had it in mind that I lost. "How will I win it with that girl from class B in it" I replied. "Her name is Aminat", Stella chipped in, "and who says you can't win it with Aminat in it?". "Tell her oo," Ife said angrily. "She is more beautiful than I am", I said with my face down, "and are you ugly?" Ife asked. With the little knowledge in us then as little girls, these two girls were able to convince me that I am wonderfully made just the way I am. "You are beautiful, just believe you can do it and you will see what will happen afterward", Stella said, and at that moment my faith was boosted.

I began to participate with all of my strength, learning new actions from both of my friends. There came a time when we were told to bring the clothes we would use on the day of the contest. I brought the clothes I intended to use for our instructor to see just as the other girls did. We were asked to put on the clothes we brought for rehearsals which we all did and I was shocked at what Aminat was putting on. It was a pink ready-made gown with flowers decorated all over it, I felt a bit down. After the rehearsal, I went back to the class, and as I entered my friends noticed the change in my countenance and immediately they rushed to me. "What is it?" Ife quickly asked, "I'm sure I can't win this, you need to see Aminat's clothes, it is so beautiful", I said nervously. "And what does that mean"? If asked again, I've known her not to be the patient type.

"You think she will win because her clothes are more beautiful than yours"? Stella asked angrily, these two girls are trying for me and I'm ruining their efforts. "You are going for this contest and you are winning it, don't make me repeat myself on this" " Ife said angrily and stormed back to her seat. "You see you've got her angry, just believe in yourself and don't look at what other girls are wearing, just be yourself", Stella said to me and hugged me. I went to my seat, thinking of how I would win. I told my mom about it when I got home and she looked at me and said, "you are wonderful just the way you are and your dress is beautiful enough to win any beauty contest, let go of everything you are thinking okay baby". I was expecting her to say "I will change your clothes for you, don't let that bother you", but instead she told me to see myself winning.

The day of the competition finally arrived and every one of us was preparing vigorously for it. When it was time for the contest, we all lined up and I noticed some changes in Aminat, I couldn't walk up to her to ask what was going on with her. We took our turns to perform on the stage and just as I was told, I put in my best and left the rest. After our performance, every one of us was afraid I could tell from the expressions on the other girl's face. Three winners are to be announced, from 3rd place to the winner who took the first place. The announcer started with the 3rd place winner and I could see the fear in my friend's eyes, they were more eager than I am. The girl climbed up to the stage to receive her present, I was anxious and restless and felt like fainting where I was standing.

The second winner was announced and to my surprise, Aminat came second, "what happened? Who took first?" these were the questions I was asking myself. Immediately Aminat climbed up to the stage to receive her present, I gave up on winning because if she could take second place who then was the winner of the contest? After a while, with a smile on his face, looking at the rest of us looking anxious and terrified, the announcer cleared his throat and announced the winner of the contest. I was shocked to the marrow when I heard my name and my mom jumped up from her seat, my friends screaming at the top of their voices, it was like a dream to me because I'd given up. I screamed from where I was standing and ran up to the stage to collect my present which comprised a crown and some other packed gift items.

"You did it, I told you", Ife said with a bright smile on her face. "Yes, I did it", I screamed and gave both of them a hug. My mom was happy and said, "Always believe in yourself". Till today those words as helped me grow daily and I can never forget these two girls. After I grew up, I wondered where they got that knowledge and encouraging words from at that tender age. These two girls are the gifts I received from a young age and I can never forget their impact on my life.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

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