Lily, my best buddy

Pets are those harmless animals we keep at home as companions. Although some people go to the extreme of keeping wild animals as pets, in the long run, the story is not always pleasant.


I've seen many people keep cats, birds, fish, dogs, and some wild animals like crocodiles as pets, but among them all, I prefer having a dog as a pet.

Dogs are animals that seem to understand human feelings; I guess that's the reason they are referred to as human friends. Humans and dogs have ways of communicating and sharing their feelings. I grew up loving dogs because I've always had one around from childhood until now.

I love dogs' energetic physique and friendly nature, as well as their aggressiveness towards unwanted visitors or strange people. Dogs have a distinct sense of smell, which makes them good for security purposes.

Keeping a pet comes with a sense of responsibility because of their feeding and health. It won't be a good idea to keep a pet that won't be feeding well or whose health is deteriorating. Before keeping a pet, all these should be taken into consideration.

I have a dog named Lily; she is a rottweiler. She has been with me since she was a puppy, and I can say I've enjoyed her company a lot. She is playful, friendly, agile, and strong; her health hasn't been an issue to me because she takes her vaccines regularly, and her feeding is also well taken care of. Lily is my best buddy, she loves being around me and I love having her around too. She always enjoy her stomach being rubbed, anytime I returned from school or work ,she would lie on her back waiting for me to give her tummy rub. I enjoyed every bit of it because it does make her happy.


Looking at my environment, the local fauna is well appreciated because almost every house in my area has a dog. The qualities possessed by dogs make them everyone's favorite pets.

Pet love is very important; it is advisable not to own one rather than own it and not take good care of it. I love the way laws are guiding pets in the United States of America, unlike in my country, where you will see animals called pets roaming around the street unkept and hungry.

Some people maltreat their pets by not taking good care of their health. Before having the idea of owning a pet, all measures should be put in place to make life comfortable for the pets. They should be taken care of just like humans.

Pets also deserve our respect as much as they respect us humans. They have life in them, and that is enough reason to love them, apart from the fact that they offer companionship and make life fun.

All images are mine

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