Language shouldn't be a barrier

Language is a means of identification for everyone in the world. One's tribe or culture can be identified by the way one speaks. Just like a Nigerian or British individual, when they speak, you can easily identify them by the intonation of their way of speaking.

This had been so for ages, and learning one another's languages had made communication easier. As a Nigerian lady, my native language isn't English, but I learned it because it is the formal language in my country and universally acceptable all over the world.

As beautiful as language and communication are, we still have some people for whom language is a barrier. Maybe learning a new language is a bit difficult for them, and communication might be impossible. Also, for those who have a speech impairment, communicating might be difficult for them, so how can we make them feel valued, welcomed, respected, and heard? This is where alternative communication comes in.

These are ways by which we can communicate with people instead of using speech. There are several ways we can make sure that no one feels left out or rejected in any way.

Some people are being communicated to through gestures; examples are the deaf and dumb, as well as those living with such disabilities. They wouldn't feel left out if they saw people who could communicate with them using their hand gestures.



Also, technology has made life easier; there is a translating device that can help translate different languages into the ones people understand. With this, a nonspeaking individual will get to understand the message being passed across to him or her with the use of a translator. This will help such individuals translate words into their native language.

The use of a braille display for the blind is an initiative of technology that is manufactured to help communicate with people with impaired vision. This aids in inclusivity for such people; it makes them feel valued. It gives them freedom of expression, as it is every human's right. Depriving people with disabilities of good communication would only make them feel rejected and unwanted. But with the help of all these technological devices, people like that are being carried along and given the same freedom as any other human.

Language shouldn't be a barrier to peaceful coexistence between people of different tribes and races. We all should learn to live together, learn one another's languages, and promote one another's culture. There is beauty in diversity. There are some languages I wish I understood, and those are French and Korean. I love it when those languages are spoken; the beauty in them is revealed. Some people can speak three to four languages conveniently, and that does not change who they are or where they come from.

Both disabled and able human beings are included in communication; no one should be held back because of the language barrier. We are in a century where everything is being made easier, as development is the order of the day in many countries around the world.

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