Ragnarok is Upon Us!


Hi all, this is team Ragnarok explaining a bit about the upcoming NFT project coming to Hive! The project itself has been in the works for almost 6 months now & has been graciously financed by @theycallmedan. The team consists of over a dozen people & we are still seeking more! This account is run by multiple Ragnarok team members & is more of just a place to get updates about Ragnarok from Ragnarok core. The goal set out was to complete the game in its entirety, from art to game mechanics, then open-source the code & allow the community to bring it to life. Anyone who wants to get involved in the cutting edge of p2E gaming, please leave a comment below.

A bit about the NFT project launch:

There will be no inside benefits or premint for anyone, including 100% of the team, sorry Dan, nor will there be a public NFT sale of any kind!

This is a community-run & focused project! 100% open-source! 100% of the total capped supply will be dropped freely to Hivers. The snapshot will be on Jan 6th.

There will be a one-time claim date TBA after the snapshot. All unclaimed NFT's will then be put into the upcoming game, Ragnarok, which can then be mined using the NFT's you claimed during the snapshot. The only way to get these NFT's is to either have HIVE during the snapshot or eventually mine them from Ragnarok! There will also be secondary markets for trading via DEX.

The NFT's will be given first, freely, to all HIVE hodlers! They will be tradeable & collectible. A lot of time, effort & financial resources went into making the game's amazing art! We sincerely hope everyone enjoys it!

How many NFT's do I get?

The drop is proportionate to the total supply of HIVE (excluding the Hive DAO because DAOs can't claim, they don't have fingers!) So, for math's sake, let's say there are 100m HIVE (arbitrary numbers) & 10m NFT's. That means every hiver who claims will get 1 NFT for every 10 HIVE they hodl.

The first launch of cards is from Norse mythology. This is where Ragnarok originated, & it will be Aesir vs. Vanir. Although, you can mix & match gods & titans. There will be 10 cards per deck needed to play. Having at least 8 of either Aesir or Vanir in a deck will give all those types of cards a boost in stats.

We are fortunate enough to have team members well versed in various mythologies, the most knowledge being with Norse. We followed as closely as possible the poems & written stories from credible sources. This isn't your marvel Norse gods, which are completely different from the original stories, most likely to keep things rated "PG" - with Ragnarok, you're getting the full raw stories. Don't expect popular gods such as Thor or Odin to be the way you may think you know them. You'll be getting the full family tree, you'll soon realize Thor is rare, but his grandfather Bor is much rarer, & you'll be very lucky to get Buri, Thor's great grandfather.

What can I do with the NFT's?

This starts simple. It starts as free NFT's to all HIVE hodlers. Then the game launches in which you can start to earn rewards. The art will have a level on it, & all will have a level "1" to start. Once the game starts, you can start battling it out in a big yearly tournament called Ragnarok. You will need to opt into Ragnarok every year, & it can be done anytime inside that calendar year. The cost will be x HBD. All HBD the game earns goes into a SIP v1, where the interest earned is kept in a pool & paid back to the players without the initial HBD ever being touched.

Once you have opted into Ragnarok & paid the fee, you will now earn "exp tokens" for every battle you win. These tokens can be used to power up your cards, max lvl 9. Every card in your deck will need to be powered up with exp coins individually. Every level unlocks better stats, more abilities, & an overall stronger God or Titan. The amount of exp coins required to reach the next level becomes larger & larger at every level. The exp coins are fungible & tradeable.

Besides the free drop, how else does Ragnarok benefit Hive?

After every battle, your Gods or Titans do not recover health, so if you enter a battle with low health characters from the previous battle, they will also have low health in the new battle. You will need to heal your gods & titans using potions/herbs, which cost HBD.

The game will have armor & a weapon system that adds passive stats & abilities to equip the NFT's. You can level up the weapon tree of your choice, each coming with different skills & abilities. All weapons will be mineable NFT's that come out in Ragnarok, but they will require repair kits that cost HBD.

There will be in-game food that is a must to have, or your gods start to lose health. Food is only consumed during battle & comes with stat boosts based on the food provided. Food cost HBD.

The game will have many HBD sinks. The HBD is sucked into a "blackhole" via the SIP v1, where it will be locked away to earn interest in perpetuity.

Can you further explain Ragnarok?

Each god or titan can have up to 33 spells in the game itself. The spells themselves are collectible, tradeable NFT's. Spells consist of either magic spells like a direct damage attack (fireball, etc.) or summoned pets. Pets have their own stats (hp, attack ETC.) All spells have a mana cost, & in every round, each player gets extra mana, thus using a more powerful spell. Players will need to wait for 9 rounds total before playing their most powerful spells that cost 9 mana each.

Spells are 100% mineable through the game. Spells can also be leveled using an exp coin with 9 levels per spell.

In Closing

Think of the NFT's you get are "miners" that allow you to play a game that earns you more NFT's. We hope the "mining" is one super kickass game that really tests the limits of your imagination & skills!

This post is already getting long, & we could talk about Ragnarok all day. The game itself we will break down next week. One tidbit we will leave you with is there are many levels to this game. For instance, a long-term MMORPG (think WOW, but you own it) plan involves the very NFT's you get. This will be a game foundation for many various interoperable game trees to grow from. One account, one deck, all games.

We will reveal two card arts soon, one Aesir & one Vanir & we will hodl a logo contest with a nice prize

Image Sources: 1 - 2

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