Bread or Freedom?


There are regimes that provide bread for their people without freedom, or freedom without bread, and also in the region, at least here in the Middle East, there are regimes that prevent both from their people.

This type of regimes is often accompanied by a persistent attempt to disable the mind and prevent it from working, comparing and concluding.

There are examples of Iraq, Libya, Lebanon and many other countries and regimes that are professional in this matter, too bad they are many and not few.
And the best of all, if someone wants to revolt against these regimes, he will be the one opposing an ascending path that can lead us to take the seat of reason and freedom, were it not for imperialism itself.

Today we are in 2024 and there are still regimes and rulers
trying to convince people that they are the only popular heroes and saviors and that they always win elections, and if anyone doubts their victory or accuses them of rigging the elections, then imperialism is manipulating and misleading them. Knowing that these regimes are the main reason for pushing thousands of citizens to leave the country in search of a morsel of bread and a job opportunity.

In this case, we understand what the regime wants to say, when it denies rigging the elections and accuses imperialism of fabricating it, is exactly this: that the "masses" are thirsty for a ruler and a
regime that starves them and displaces them. This is a common language among all these regimes.

There is no doubt that the examples are many, but they converge on a fact that is difficult to doubt, which is that those regimes are the worst regimes by far. In this case, its matter goes beyond political orientations and ideological programs to deceiving the people themselves, and then to assuming that the world will believe it, i.e. deceiving the world as well. The “masses,” according to the image that these regimes spread, only love those who oppress them, but in addition to their love for them, they take to the streets in hundreds of thousands to support them.

The fact is that this was and still is the first and most important function of what is known as anti-imperialism: the shouting of university students who combine nobility, naivety, and helping the distressed remain limited in achievement, as do the appeals of “intellectuals” who call on us to embrace our past before contact with the West. As for the oppression of millions mixed with their deception, it remains the largest and most effective phenomenon in expressing anti-imperialism.


While great philosophers have previously asked us to dare to
think with our minds, and not in response to other influences and sanctities, while other philosophers have asked us to think according to our experiences and feelings, this theory calls on us to ignore the two philosophical demands and build exclusively on opposing imperialism as the only compass of reason and the key that opens the doors of the future.

*Image designed using Canva

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