First and foremost, i want us to get one thing straight before delving deeper into what i have for you all today on rehabilitation, Rehabilitation is not an illness neither is it a crime, it is treatment that deals with the whole human body, rehabilitation is meant for those who are mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically challenged, this might be as a result of one trauma or another. Rehabilitation is a step towards healing and human total functionality…


As an aspiring laboratory technician who has the intention of joining the medical field someday, i have read a couple of posts about rehabilitation; especially when it comes to the physical and mental aspects of it…


Rehabilitation the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness. Google search 🔍 …

A new life is the end result of rehabilitation, i have seen what rehabilitation can do in the life of criminals, thanks to rehabilitation a lot of criminals has been brought back on the right part, after been given thorough lessons and training on how to become a good human being…

Nobody is born a criminal, and any criminal we have in this world today was made that way because of different things, which means if they aren’t born a criminal, there surely is a way to make them good again, and this can be made possible through rehabilitation, Only a Psychopath derives joy in murder…


If there’s one thing I certainly believe in as a person, everyone deserves a second chance, even some criminals deserve a second chance in life…

When i say criminals can rehabilitated, i am not referring to the likes of a psychopath, i am talking about thieves, burglars, and many other petty criminals. I believe these type of criminals were just misguided in life, they believed they don’t have a purpose in life and that is why they result into such acts, with rehabilitation they can be made clean and sent back into the community to live a good life…

Any offender that hasn’t taken a life is worthy of second chance and can also be made good through rehabilitation…


Over the years i have seen so many fraudsters and murderers learn from their mistakes when caught, I believe through rehabilitation small time fraud seems can be sent back into the society, but murderers and big time fraudsters should not be released to the world, even with rehabilitation they should be kept out of the society for good, killers don’t deserve to be called humans…

Any human that takes the life of a fellow human should be killed by the law, provided it’s a murder case, there is no level of rehabilitation or treatment that can straighten such person, such persons should be isolated from the society for good…

Other petty offenders can be treated through rehabilitation and be sent back home to their families after they are sure to be born again…

In summary, I believe there should be no repentance and leniency for hardened criminals, they are a threat that must be dealt with and eradicated for the sake of the innocent…

In conclusion, there is no guarantee that they won’t get back to their old ways if forced to remember once again, which is why hardened criminals should be uprooted completely from this world yo prevent more crimes if one day released…

Rehabilitation is meant for normal people with slight challenges and disabilities, not for hardened criminals who have spent all their life taking lives of the innocents…

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