Sacred Divine Union Within the Kingdom within You

O when will Eye be United with the Love of My Heart? Poet sings. People are all Empty within Themselves, searching for Love outside of themselves, lacking Love in Themseves, needing Love and waiting in Agony to be United with the One They. They Think, that regardless they are mpty of Love Themselves, this is to bring Ultimate Happiness to Them, if They Unite with someone. But Emptiness and Lack within attrackts in Praxis only more Emptiness and Lack in Their Life to follow, to remind Them, that Emptiness is within Them. Like attrackts Like. We attract, what is inside of us. They may End up with someone, that is also Empty of Love in Themseves, tryng to get that Fulfilment from Them, just as They think to get that Fulfilment form another. Game if Illusion. 2 Persons searching for Love cannto make eachother Happy, for They both want from eachother, what They are lacking within Themselves. It is like 2 Persons that have not a Dollar in Their Pocket, that want 1000 Dollars from Eachother and then fighting and blaming eavhother for not giving it. You cannot give what You do not Know You have, They have to fill Their own Pocket First in Order to give to eachother. One can give only out of Fulness, outt of Emtiness all We get is Drama and Pain. We are searching for Love, that We in Reality are Ourselves and then all what We get is Drama and Pain of this World and We call it Love. It is Eye that found Myself in You, Love. You are Love, that I AM, Love.

Twin Flame Union is not Union with someone outside of Ourselves in Order for us to be Happy and Fulfilles, but it is Indeed Divine Union within Ourselves. Sacred Marriage of Divine Masculine and Feminine within. I AM My own Wife. Enlightenment. Ascension into Love that I AM. Kingdom of Love of God is within You. We are missing and lacking in another the Part of Ourselves, We are missing and lacking, crying for ourselves, Love that We are, that We forgot in Time and Now We think another Person is to fulfill this Lack within and make us Happy. Happiness comes from within. You are Love YOurself. We have to Work on Ourselves and follow the Process of Ascension and re Member the Love, that We are. We have to Work on our own Enlightenment, so We re Member the Feminine or Masculine Part, that We lost within Ourselves, integrate and Embody ou Opposite Part within ourselves and We have to become Complete in Fulness again. You are Love Yourself. You are missing Yourself only, Love. You are crying for Yourself only, Love. Divine Marriage from within is Real Divine Sacred Twin Flame Union. We are actualy missing and lacking the Part of Ourselves, that We lost and forgot in Time. We are lacking and missing Ourselves and We are hankering and Crying to Unite with our own Self, that We forgot and lost in Time. Love that We are dying for and crying is Ourselves. You are the Love, that You are Waiting for. That's why our Sacred Partner is the Reflection of Everything within us, that We cannot See in Time in ourselves, reminding us of the Part, that We lost, forgot in Time. Untill We re Meber, We are fighting with ourselves and running away from ourselves, for We did not realize our Part of ourselves, that We lost in Time. Eye found Myself only in YOu, Love and at that Time al Drama seazed. I AM Love Myself. We have Drama and We are fighting with our Partner, because We do not Resonate to the Part of ourselves, We have lost in Time. We have to re Member Ourselves first, Love that We See in another and become Love ourselves, so YOu wont disturb Me anymore Love, for onyl Part of Myself taht Eye refuse to See is disturbing Me and not You. One has to become Love Himself, so Eye may See Myself in You, Love that I AM and no One else separated from Me, We can be Happy together. If there is no Drama in Your Sacred Loving Union and no Fighting, do Know that You are Love Yourself and I AM so Proud on You, Divine Lovers. If there is no Drama in Your Relationship whatsoever, then You are Love Yourself and such Relationship is most Sacred and Divine Love an Eye Bless You. Only when You are Love Yourself, You can Enjoy Perfect Lovelife. Only Love Herself can have most Happy Lovelife.

As We re Member and Integrate our Opposite Masculine or Feminine Part of Ourselves within us, that We forgot and searched outside of Ourselves, We Perform the Sacred Marriage from within. We become Full and Complete within ourselves and We are no more lacking Part of Ourselves and Searching it outside of Ourselves to be Happy. We are Full and Complete Love Ourselves, Eye found Myself in You only, Love that I AM. Now I AM Love Myself, Full and Complete with no Lack and no Need for Love outside of Myself to fulfill Me. Do not search for Love outside of YOurself to fulfill Your Emptiness, but search for YOurself, Work on remembering the Love that You are in Fulness and Completion. As You are ready, Love, Full and Complete in Love, Yourself, Your Perfect Love is to find You as Reflection of Your own Vibration, Love. If You want Perfect Love Life, You have to become Perfect Love Yourself. When There is no Need for Love outside of You anymore and You are Love Yourself, Your True Divine Lover is to come to You as Your Reflection of True Complete Love that You are. Paradox is, that when You no more Need it or lack it, You get it. You get what You are only, Love. So do not search for Love, but become Love Yourself, so Love is to find You.

LIke attracts Like. Just like Lack within us attacks someone who has lack within Them also and Drama within us, attracts Drama in our Love Life, same a We are Full and Complete Love ourseves, Fulfilled in Love that I AM in Fullness and Completion witn no Lack and Need, Surrender to the Moment and being Love ourselves, We attract our Sacred Partner in our Life, Who is also Full and Complete, Divine Masculine and Feminine United within Themselves, someone who does not Need to be Loved by us to be Fulfilled and Happy, but someone Who is Full and Complete Fulfilled Love Themselves. We both are Full and Complete in Love that We are ourselves and We do not Lack or Need Eachother to be Love, but We are Loving eachother out of Fulness and Complete Fulfilment of Love that We both are ourselves. Both of us Love eachother, for We are Love ourselves and We do not Need eachother. We do not Feel Empty but Full of Love ourselves. In Being Love that I AM Myself Ful and Complete and finding Myself, Part that Eye lost in Time in You and becoming Complete Love ourselves with no Need and Lack, We can Enjoy Perfect Love Life in Harmony and Balance, most Joyful and Fulfilling Relationship of Divine Love on Heaven on Earth as Result of Love that We are ourselves. Like attracts like. But We have to become Love ourselves. Kingdom of God is within You and You are that Love, You are waiting For. Only Perfect Love can enjoy Perfect Love Life.

Surrender to the Moment Now and Stop searching for Love outside of You. Work on Yourself to re Member that You are Love Yourself in Fulness and Completion. Surrender tot he Now and do Know as YOu are ready Love at Right Time, YOur Perfect Divine Lover is to come Your Way as Reflection of Love, that You are Yourself. Be Love Yourself and Surrender, for even if You are Ready Love, another must be Ready also. Eye give you My Word.

  • Purna Ananda 2.01. 2019 ©


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