Why 2018 was an amazing year. May 2019 be the best year of your life!

There have been enormous changes socially, politically, and economically in the US, and in the world, in the last few years. Despite a lot of fears surrounding a possible civil war in the US, according to Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, 2018 was actually a great year! Statistics show that violent crimes and prison rates went down dramatically. Smoking and drinking are down all around the world, (even in Russia, which I didn't think was possible, seriously!) Suicide rates are down, almost everywhere in the world (except in the US, so this is something that needs healing). Less people are dying in combat. Deaths from state based conflicts have declined. Deaths from cancer continue to decline. Clean, renewable energy is on the rise. A lot of effort has been made to clean up the garbage in the oceans, and those plans for clean up are increasing; and Trump is helping with this! Sexual predators and pedophiles are finally seeing the true light of justice. A lot of trees are being planted. And the standard of living has gone up all around the world.

I think its a consequence of more people waking up, and creating our reality more consciously, choosing better the dream we want to dream and make manifest in our world.

My personal life has shifted very dramatically in the last year as well, for the better, as I uncompromisingly pursue my calling as a Spirit Warrior and allow the divine universe to guide me in the direction of my fulfillment of my most important dreams.

There are many ways to make 2019 even better. I encourage everyone with passion in their hearts, to be entrepreneurs. Find your passion, and design your lifestyle and build your business around it. If you love your job, stay in it by all means. But if you hate your job, or if you know you can live with a lot more meaning and purpose in your life, but don't know how, then a date with the divine is in order. Go into your heart space, alone and listen to your own Higher Power for guidance. Its the only way to find out what your passion is. Think about what you've always waned to do but have been afraid, or blocked, or didn't know how. Once you know, find a way to serve humanity with your passion. If you already know what your passion is, and you have not acted on it... do so in 2019! You will be much happier doing what you love, putting your passion to good use. There is nothing more fulfilling that knowing that you are living your divine truth, and giving everything you have in the spirit of service. When you live your passion, you have the potential to help very very many people. Because God doesn't put a strong desire and a strong passion for something into someone's heart if it has no higher purpose, if it doesn't fit somewhere in the world perfectly, like a puzzle piece. If God gave you those talents, gifts and ideas, you MUST employ them in service to a higher purpose. That is the Spirit Warrior way.

Entrepreneurs and the self employed typically should also be investors, at least to some degree. It is a wise thing to do. How you do anything is how you do everything. Your stewardship of your finances is a critical piece of your foundation that will support your spiritual mission in life. Below are some links to info that I think gives some useful perspectives on gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, and other types of investments for 2019. No one has THE answer to anything. These are just ideas that may be useful to you if you are an investor. (Note that I don't make any money from posting this info. This is just something I personally found useful in my research, and I hope you do as well, so I'm passing that info on to you. None of this is financial advice. Just an exchange of ideas.)

Why You Should Be Hopeful In 2019, from Luke Rudkowski of We are Change

Top 10 Positive Good Stories You Didn't Hear About In 2018, from Luke Rudkowski of We are Change

TRUMP SIGNS LEGISLATION TO CLEAN UP MILLIONS OF TONS OF GARBAGE FROM THE WORLD’S OCEANS https://dailycaller.com/2018/10/11/trump-signs-bill-clean-ocean/


Why I Believe 2019 Will Be The Year For Gold & Silver (Part 1) from Mike Maloney

For those of you who are interested in cryptocurrency, I would suggest, do a lot of research first, before you buy. Cryptos are very volatile. But they are here to stay, so at least be educated about them.

What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Must Need To Know!

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Litigation https://www.hoganinjury.com/bitcoin-and-cryptocurrency-litigation/

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