Weekly Battle Challenge - LEGIONNAIRE ALVAR




The Chaos Legionnaires are ruthless warriors and the Chaos Legion's elite fighting force. Alvar Veralyn was conscripted into their ranks at a young age after his family was slain and his world conquered by the Chaos Legion. The harsh conditioning that all conscripts receive nearly broke the child, but in the end, his old, easy way of life was subsumed by the desire for battle and conquest. Alvar dedicated himself to his training, intent on reshaping his mind and his body until he had no equal on the battlefield. Eventually, he rose to the rank of General and now stands as leader of the Chaos Legionnaires.

Alvar is a most imposing sight on the battlefield. His armor is imbued to withstand the strongest of magical attacks, and even the mightiest of foes is no match for his massive, two-handed sword, which some say was forged in the Realm of Nightmare. He lives for battle, wading through his enemies and striking them down as he seeks out the strongest among them to engage in single combat. He enjoys nothing more than watching the life fade from his opponent's eyes. His conquests are legendary even among the Legionnaires, and he earned the title of Godkiller after the Battle of Dargnilat, during which he single-handedly defeated one of the Old Gods.

LEGIONNAIRE ALVAR Stats and Skills Impression

alv stats.JPG

I dont own this card yet so I will have to rent it and include the level 1 of this card to my bronze league splinters. Currently we have 13360 cards in the game circulation as of writing, we could say that its price for rent would be manageable. I've rented the level 1 Legionnaire Alvar for around 6 DEC. This price is still OK since we are still far off in the ending of the season.
Since I'm going to play in the bronze league, let me just share my insight for the level 1 of this Legendary Neutral card. A Void armor skill, a great defense against Magic attack specially with it's original sturdy defense of 8, its surely a tanky against mages even on other types of attacks around the battlefield. A Mana of 9, a card for medium to high mana capacity, average life of 6 for a tank, and a bit low in speed and attack. As i see it, Legionnaire Alvar is good in the front absorbing damages. I'm not optimistic about it's attack and speed but this card surely is legendary for tanking. With that, lets see a sample battle.


The Battle
Mana CapacityRuleset
99Up Close and Personal




KelyaSummoner with 4 Mana Cap
Kelya's boost in speed and armor is one of the reason i begin to build my Water Splinter Team. It's a good boost specially in all Melee ruleset, for me its perfect fitting when you summon your bladed monster with Kelya's call.


Legionnaire Alvar1st Position with 9 Mana Cap
Although Void Armor skill is more effective against Magic attack, I have confidence in this card stats for defense. It still looks like a bladed boulder to me. Our "Feature" card.


Flying Squid2nd Position with 7 Mana Cap
One of my medium to high mana monster that has Reach ability. Its damage and speed is ok and since it has a 7 mana cap, it fits with the ruleset.

demen shark.JPG

Demented Shark3rd Position with 6 Mana Cap
I know this position is a bit bothersome for a tank type card like this. Why is it in the middle? I just need its skill. "Inspire" should be save as much as possible to add additional damage for my melee attacking monsters.


Deep Lurker4th Position with 6 Mana Cap
One of my Heavy Hitters, back up with it's "Opportunity" Ability, I'm placing it here in this position to be protected as much as possible since it can attack any position with opportunity of course.


Sand Worm5th Position with 9 Mana Cap
Another Heavy hitter with "Sneak" ability. Its slowness is to the highest level but the damage is very ok. Hoping that it wont miss to much since i am not playing in Reverse Speed rule set.


Disintegrator6th Position with 7 Mana Cap
When you have Inspire, you must have a "Demoralized" to lessen the melee damage of your opponent. That is why i am choosing this card. Another thing is that is its good armor and life combination. A perfect fitting for the Sneaking enemies.

Link to the Battle

LEGIONNAIRE ALVAR, this tanky card is going to be trouble when placed in the battlefield. Having those tanky stats, inflicting damage to this card is a real headache. It's slow speed and low attack power didn't mean it is not qualified to be a legendary. Adding that it is a Neutral Element card, it can adapt any summoning boost that will add to it's power. the only thing that i can feel bad about it, how to play this card in low mana league. That's all for now.


Haven't played Splinterlands yet? Click here for my referral link and explore the game. See you on the Splinter field buddy!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over the photos that were used for this post.
Editing to some features were made from Canva.

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