The Human Eyes: The Light of The Body.

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We humans are blessed with 5 sense organs that have seperate important functions but are connected in a way. The eyes for sight, the nose for smell, the tongue for taste, the ear for sound and the skin to feel. These five parts of our body are all together important, none is less important because none of these organs can perform the function of another. From experience, if one of the sense organ e.g ear has a problem, the problem no longer belongs to the ears alone: it becomes a problem to the whole body.

When I was younger, I got to know the eyes is an essential part of the human body, in fact, a light to our body. Playing rough outside where grown ups could easily see us, most times what I do hear is, "be careful", "don't hurt your eyes" and when we use object that could harm us, especially long and sharp, we get scolded so we do not let the object get into our eyes.

There was a time when I watched Superman movie and the actions, moves and chills of the movie got to me. I went outside the next day and did exactly like Superman did, raised my head and forced my eyes to stare at the sun. Yeah, a very dumb thing to do but I was a child. I couldn't stare at the afternoon sun for long, I took my eyes off it and I had a teribble pain in my eyes, it felt as if something was burning inside my eyes and they went almost dark for about a minute. Then, I went inside when I could see, barely. My eyes were very heavy and red with eater dripping uncontrolled, I didn't tell anyone what had happen: nobody saw me.


That was the beginning of myopia, short sightedness I could no longer see things that are far away from me. Even if I can see, it wouldn't be so clear, mostly blurry. I can't even remember the last time I saw things very clearly. I didn't complain to my parents because I knew what I did. I guess it wasn't so bad then. I also love taking garri (cassava flakes, soaked in water, with sugar) and beans. They were my best food anytime I come back from school, I was influenced by my immediate elder sister: she loved beans like her life depended on it. Our parent need not to bother preparing any meal for us after school hours, they just give us money to get our fav that time. Here in Nigeria, many of us believe that too much of garri could affect the eyes. I guess, I had enough of garri from age 12 to 15: I took garri and beans back to back, my God, it sounds funny to me now😂😂. We had enough food at home but garri and beans was our best food for lunch and our parents couldn't do anything about it.


If garri truly causes the vision of the eyes to deteriorate, then garri made my eye sight worse because I never had a break. I can't even remember the last time I saw clearly from afar. I was convinced to get glasses when I was about 19 years. I wasn't so comefortable with it for a month. I remember I missed falling 5 times because I was asked to put on the glasses and walk round the hospital, my eyes ached a lot. The glasses helped me a lot but I thought it would correct my eye sight like it was before the Superman incident and then I would stop using it. Nah, it did not. So, I git tired of wearing them last two years, not the best decision though. I would prefer a contact lens rather than putting on glasses everytime I go out.

The thumbnail and images were gotten from Canva

**Thank You For Reading Till The End and..... Please take good care of your eyes. **

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