Falling in love rightfully

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Heart ❤️ and flowers 🌺

I feel excited to see this wonderful topic from Inleo and to share my thoughts on this prompt. The prompt is talking about love and marital status and here I want to share my status as well as the reasons why and where you should fix yourself as well!

Well, I'm not sure I'm ready to commit myself to matrimony at least not just yet. But I've been in a couple of relationships in the past and I'm currently single at the moment but that doesn't mean I do not believe in love. Of course, I'm not tired of being in love, and the reason why I say this is because I've seen many cases where people fall in love and het heart broken too many times to the point that they no longer cherish love and they decide to keep themselves single to prevent getting into another heartbreak.

First, I believe everything starts based on a relationship and then gradually develops into whatever you both desire for yourselves and I also believe that every relationship happens for a needful reason, no two persons pair themselves into a relationship for no reason, it either happens for the sake of love, money, trust or be it whatever it is.

Now, I would strongly advise us to always have a plan for our relationships, not just the "I love you", "you love me" and "we love us" languages. There is more to a relationship than all of these. So, you need to know the kind of relationship you're into, the purpose of it, and the future of your relationship.
All of these would give you the right mind towards how you plan your life together with your spouse.

Maturity is another important factor, being mature enough to make not just any decision but authentic ones that can yield positive results.

My personal opinion about having a spouse and being in a relationship even though it may vary.
If you're a student, I do find it difficult to cope with school stress and a relationship at the same time. School can be very demanding at times and so does relationships. So how do you cope with these two together? As I said, I find it difficult and wouldn't advise anyone who is still schooling to involve himself or herself in a relationship at the same time unless her studies aren't demanding too much.

Also, you need to know the little and important things that have to do with love, family, and relationships to sustain your marriage and prevent breakups or getting divorced.

I really do not have too much to say but I believe I've made sense of why we should all know the kinds of relationships we build and the future of it.


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  • All images are mine!
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